Monday, April 4, 2011

Esq. sues NObama!

Here we go folks, check this out.

Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq. is scheduled for public oral argument before the
U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals at 9 AM on May 2, U.S. Courthouse,
Pasadena, California, regarding presidential eligibility fraud committed
by President Barack Obama and evidence indicating that:

1. Mr. Obama has been using a stolen Social Security number since
1980-81 according to Dr. Taitz; moreover, Obama never resided in
Connecticut where his Social Security number 042-68-4425 had already
been issued to a Connecticut resident in March, 1977. Taitz verified
Obama's continued usage of the allegedly stolen number via public
Selective Service website information, Lexis Nexis, Choice Point and
also E-Verify documentation. Taitz has brought suit against the U.S.
Social Security Administration for Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
2. Obama is not a NATURAL BORN citizen, that is, one who is
born in the United States to parents who are BOTH U.S. citizens.
3. Obama has failed to produce a LONG FORM birth certificate
with hospital, attending physician's name and official signatures, etc.
Instead, Obama has produced a SHORT FORM certificate widely circulated on the internet and cable news shows.
4. According to stamped, certified court documents and a
(http://www.orlytait wp-content/ uploads/2011/ 02/Taitz- v-Astrue- filed-Complaint. pdf).
5. Associated Press reports from Indonesia show Obama's
elementary school record with usage of his adopted father's name
Soetoro, Indonesian citizenship, religion Islam. Obama denies all three
facts. (see above court link)
6. Dr. Taitz has served President Obama with a complaint five
times, but she said the President has defaulted and failed to answer the
complaint thus far. Taitz asserted that Judge Carter has "defrauded us."
[her clients and the American People, in initial District Court filings]
"It was a clear case of an error by the judge, abuse of judicial
discretion and possibly judicial misconduct. Not only did Judge Carter
dismiss the case; he also used his final order (undoubtedly written by
some Obama supporter) to viciously attack me and my clients."
7. Taitz has presented evidence and court documents to House
Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-TX-21), House Oversight and
Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA-49), Rep. Dana
Rohrabacher (R-CA-46), and Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA-4), among others
who have thus far failed to hold hearings, subpoena Obama's long-form
birth certificate, subpoena documents regarding his links to 39 social
security numbers, subpoena his college records which Taitz has asserted
contain fraudulent information, and subpoena documents related to
whether he is a natural born citizen. The congressional cover-up and
failure to investigate Dr. Taitz's meritorious evidence raises serious
questions as to whether members of congress may have have been
threatened or even blackmailed by the White House.
8. Multiple cable television hosts are deriding undeclared
presidential candidate Donald Trump for questioning Mr. Obama's
presidential eligibility, raising additional serious questions as to why
cable hosts are attempting to silence Mr. Trump while not reporting
Taitz's evidence--especiall y if Mr. Obama is ever found to be
ineligible, and whether his executive orders and Supreme Court
appointments would also be nullified.
(See James Lambert's "Night Lights" interview video with Dr. Taitz
(Parts parts1/2) shown on Time-Warner and Cox Cable television for a
more complete explanation- --available at http://www.orlytait,
along with all court documents.)

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