Sunday, July 4, 2010

OBAMA Not a US Citizen

Exclusive Video: National Magazine says Obama not Born in U.S.
Impeach Obama Campaign

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Globe Magazine has taken up the Obama Eligibility Story with a a hard hitting story that is sure to enlighten many people to the things that you have been reading here every day at Impeach Obama

According to the story, "A Former Hawaii records official is sending shock waves through Washington, D.C., by revealing there is absolutely no birth certificate for Barack Obama."
The Globe continues:

"I had direct access to the Social Security database, the national crime computer, state driver's license information, international passport information, basically just about anything you can imagine to get someone's identity," says Timothy Adams, who served as senior government records clerk in Honolulu in 2008.

"There is no birth certificate. I was informed by my boss that we did not have Obama's birth record."

Impeach Obama Campaign has been hitting the Hawaiian Election Clerk Story from the beginning.

And now on July 3rd, the day before Independence Day, a national magazine has finally taken up the story.

According to the Globe, "The repercussions of Adams' stunning disclosure could bring Obama's presidency to an untimely and disastrous end."

The fact of Obama's ineligibility is slowly being revealed across the country. Keep forwarding these pages to your friends and encourage your friends to do the same. Before long, with the voice of the American people calling out in a deafening shout, even the Mainstream Media will be forced to sit up and listen. And then, even Barack Hussein Obama will be forced to sit up and listen. And he won’t like what he hears.

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Exclusive: National Magazine says Obama not Born in U.S.

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