Sunday, July 4, 2010


there is speculation that O has a child by someone who was in his senate office staff and that the child only lived two months born 10/21/2004 died 12/25/2004 the social security number given does belong at a Renee Lee Abena Obama
the letter(P)=(Proof) Death Certificate Observed.

[link to]
here is a copy of what comes up
[link to]
[link to]

You asked about Renee Lee Abena Obama, well, a long time ago I read the Three Stooges Go To Washington by Don Nicoloff. This is what he wrote over a year ago about this child –
Renee L. Abena Obama. The most shocking discovery about BHO was hidden within David Obama’s “relatives” list and it casts a very, very dark occultic shadow on BHO. The name “Renee Abena Obama” appeared. Who is Renee Abena Obama? Actually, the proper question is, “Who was Renee L. Abena Obama?” An exhaustive search revealed the birth of a baby girl named Renee L. Abena Obama on October 31, 2004. The infant died less than two months later on December 25, 2004.
Young infants frequently die from congenital complications, though the death was not reported by any hospital in the State of Maryland, but by a funeral home (indicated by the SSDI code “72″).
BHO’s biographies do not report the death of an infant in 2004, yet here was a baby girl who bore his last name—and the initial of his grandmother’s middle name—Madelyn “Lee” Dunham. A search of the Social Security Death Index produced “No Results,” though a genealogical index at produced a Social Security number: “215-71-0752.”
Entering the number directly into a search revealed its owner:
Name: Renee L Abena Obama
Birth Date: 31 October 2004 (Historical Events)
Death Date: 25 December 2004 (Historical Events)
Issuing State: Maryland
SSN: 215-71-0752

Three Members of Obama’s Church Killed

Investigator close to case believes there’s more to the brutal murders than mainstream press is letting on


By Victor Thorn

Is a Barack Obama bombshell lurking in the shadows, waiting to derail one of the biggest Cinderella stories in recent history?

While most political prognosticators in the mainstream press presume that Obama is the presumptive Democratic nominee for president, they still wonder aloud if Hillary Clinton (or some other entity) has something up their sleeve.

The bombshell may involve the murder of Donald Young, a 47-year-old choir master at former Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United Church of Christ—the same congregation that Obama has attended for the past 20 years. Two other young black men that attended the same church—Larry Bland and Nate Spencer—were also murdered execution style with bullets to the backs of their heads—all within 40 days of each other, beginning in November 2007. All three were openly homosexual.

What links this story to Barack Obama is that, according to an acquaintance of Obama, Larry Sinclair, Obama is a closet bisexual with whom he had sexual and drug-related encounters in November 1999.

Further, Sinclair claims that Obama was friendly with at least two of these deceased parishioners, and that choir director Donald had contacted him shortly before being murdered from multiple gunshot wounds on December 23, 2007.

These killings are receiving a number of different reactions. Mike Parker, reporting for CBS in Chicago, wrote, “Activists fear gay African-Americans are being targeted for murder,” while Marc Loveless of the Coalition for Justice and Respect queries, “Are we under attack? Is this a serial killer?”

An even more sinister aspect of this case is being investigated. According to Sinclair in an affidavit to the Chicago Police Department, Donald Young had informed him that he and Barack Obama were “intimate” with each other. Sinclair, it should be noted, declared on a January 18, 2008, YouTube video that on two separate occasions in November 1999, he engaged in sexual acts with Obama, and that Obama smoked crack cocaine—once in a limousine and the other time at a hotel in Gurnee, Ill.

Sinclair has also asked: why would Young—whom he had never met—initiate these calls by contacting him on cell phone numbers known only in the Obama camp? Further, a private investigator connected to the Chicago Police Department told the Globe, “Donald Young was silenced because of something he knew about Obama. Donald was in a position where he heard a lot of things and saw a lot of things concerning Barack.”

Another questionable Obama associate is openly homosexual. That person is Stanford law professor Lawrence Lessig, who was listed during the 2008 campaign as being part of Obama’s “technology initiative.”

In April, Lessig showed a video at a Google seminar entitled Jesus Christ: The Musical where “Jesus Christ lip-syncs Gloria Gaynor’s late 1970s disco hit I Will Survive during which he strips down to just a diaper, effeminately struts along a city street, and finally gets run over by a speeding bus.”

Are three murders within the span of 40 days among members of America’s most discussed church—one run by the controversial Rev. Jeremiah Wright—enough to arouse the suspicions of Chicago law enforcement officials and members of the national media?

Or, as Sinclair wrote in a May 18 email, was the murder of Young “made to look similar to other recent murders as to make it look as if it were a hate crime” because he had become a political liability?

One can only hope that this isn’t the beginning of another body count eerily reminiscent of that associated with Bill and Hillary Clinton.

The Obama White House is abuzz with talk of witchcraft by first grandmother, 72-year-old Marian Robinson, who lives in the White House residence. A close friend of Michelle Obama says the president is furious at his mother-in-law after learning that she was practicing Santeria, an African spirit cult, in the White House.

"The president is quite upset about this on two different levels. First, he is a committed Christian, no matter what his critics say about Reverend Wright. He is adamant that Sasha and Malia be raised with Christian influences. He does not want them to be involved with African voodoo. And secondly, he is worried about the political fallout if his enemies get wind of this. Rev. Wright was bad enough, but this would be political suicide," a close friend of Michelle’s confided.

Religion took center stage during the campaign last year when videos showed the Rev. Jeremiah Wright shouting "God damn America." Obama was forced to distance himself from the since-retired pastor at Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, where he worshiped for 20 years. Many people were shocked by the videos and questioned Obama’s fitness to be president. Since taking office, Obama has avoided worshiping in public and now prefers the chapel at the presidential retreat at Camp David.

This is how it happened. Marian Robinson became increasingly frustrated as her husband, Fraser Robinson, was hobbled by multiple sclerosis in the late 1980s. The family pastor prayed with her and counseled her, but "she turned to Santeria in a desperate hope," Michelle’s friend said. "Michelle put her foot down when she heard that her mother took her dad to ceremonies where they did spells and trances, and sacrificed animals, chickens and goats I think. But Marian was desperate and kept going anyway, even when her husband was too sick to go with her. I don’t think the president knew anything about this earlier because it was before they met. Michelle and Craig (her brother) wanted to close the book on this and never talked about it again after their father died in 1991."

The first grandma appears to be worried about her health now, even though doctors pronounce her in good shape. "Marian invited an old friend from Chicago to visit her at the White House, and she performed a Santeria ceremony in the residence. When Michelle saw this woman, a voodoo priestess she recognized her from when her father was sick, she had a fit. When she told the president about it, he blew up and said, ‘No voodoo in the White House. Absolutely. I don’t care what you call it.’ As far as I know, it only happened once," the friend said.

The president was "totally in favor" when his mother-in-law moved into the White House as a live-in babysitter for 11-year-old Malia and 8-year-old Sasha. Obama reportedly told Michelle that her mother will have to go back to Chicago if she does not "stop this witchcraft mumbo-jumbo immediately" and ordered the Secret Service to not allow Marian’s friend to return to the White House.

Communist Barry Davis Obama: “Who’s Your Daddy?”

Posted by admin on Jan 30th, 2010 and filed under News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

Barack Hussien Obama’s real name is in fact Barry Davis. He was conceived when his atheist White mother was only 17 years old while having an adulterous affair with hatefully-racist, Black Communist activist Frank Marshall Davis of Chicago. His life was all about concealing his natural father’s true identity while never removing the masquerade mask of “Barack Hussein Obama,” the purported natural son of a wicked Kenyan national, yet another anti-White, Black hateful racist and socialist-communist. The “Man Behind the Mask” is a CIA-created Manchurian Candidate purposed to impose full-blown socialist communism—taking from the Whites and giving to the Blacks—thereby driving all Whites in general into the arms of Jesuit Fascists overseen by the Black Pope’s Freemasonic International White Power Structure. All is in place: The Manhattan Declaration has united apostate Protestants and Roman Catholics behind a common religious quest pursuant to the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965); and the semi-secret Council for National Policy has united both groups behind a common “New Right” political quest. All that is needed to complete the conspiracy (for this is no coincidence) is the enthronement of a Republican Fascist Military Dictator. That enthronement is to be facilitated by none other than a Democratic president, Barry Davis Obama, advised by Roman Catholic Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor, the real president and former U.S. Senator from Delaware, Vice President Joe Biden.

A Davis-Obama Chronology

RenewAmerica staff edited by EJP
[Shattering Denial ]

The following is a year-by-year chronology that tracks the relationship between Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.; his purported Black father, Barack Hussein Obama, Sr.; his White mother, Stanley Ann Dunham; his mother’s White parents, Stanley and Madelyn Dunham; his mother’s second husband, the Asian Indonesian Lolo Soetoro; his family friend and natural father, the Black Frank Marshall Davis – a notorious socialist-communist Civil Rights provocateur; Barack’s Black wife, Michelle Obama; Barack’s longtime associate and Weather Underground founder, the White William Ayers; and others connected with the above individuals.

The chronology was gathered from a variety of sources. Every effort has been made to verify accuracy. Additional information will be posted as it can be verified from multiple sources, public and private.

1905, Dec. 31 –
Frank Marshall Davis was born in Arkansas City, Kansas.
1907 – Davis’ parents divorced when Frank was a year old.
1911 – When he was five years old, a group of White children a few years older who had heard about the lynching of Blacks tried to lynch Davis and nearly hanged him. This apparently was the incident that made Davis an anti-White hateful racist. His life was then dedicated and devoted to “getting over on” and “hating Whitey.”
1918, Mar. 23 –
Stanley Armour Dunham was born in Kansas.
1922, Oct. 26 –
Madelyn Lee Payne (Dunham) was born in Peru, Kansas, to Rolla Charles and Leona (McCurry) Payne. Her mother was part Cherokee.
1923 –
Frank Marshall Davis was educated at Friends University—founded by White Quakers with a history of opposing Rome’s African Slave Trade and its subsequent iniquity, North American Black African slavery—in Wichita, Kansas. In spite of this fact, Davis would still grow to hate all White men in general.
1924-27, 29 –
Frank Marshall Davis was further educated at Kansas State Agricultural College (Kansas State University), where he studied journalism and began writing poetry. White men taught him fine arts unique to high White Protestant culture, yet he would use these very skills against all Whites in general via his oratory and literary prose.
1926 – Stanley Dunham’s mother committed suicide. His father abandoned his children after her death. Stanley and his brother Ralph lived with their maternal grandparents in El Dorado, Kansas.
1927 –
Frank Marshall Davis moved to Chicago, where he worked for the Chicago Evening Bulletin, the Chicago Whip, and the Gary American, all Black American newspapers. There he would begin to employ his journalistic skills acquired from Whites for the benefit of Blacks.

1931 –
Frank Marshall Davis moved to Atlanta—now the new Black Mecca—and became editor of a semiweekly paper, the Atlanta World, which he eventually turned into a daily newspaper within two years of taking the job as the paper’s managing editor in 1931. Under Davis, the Atlanta Daily World became America’s first successful Black daily.
As editor, Davis emphasized an agenda of social realism, racial and legal justice, and Black activism. He warned against Depression-era remedies advocated by communists.
1935, summer – Davis published his first book,
Black Man’s Verse.
1935 –
Frank Marshall Davis returned to Chicago to take the position of managing editor of the Associated Negro Press, and served as executive editor of the ANP until 1947. Clearly, Davis was an eloquent, organized and brilliant man.
1936 –
Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., was born near Lake Victoria in Nyang’oma Kogelo, Alego, Siaya, Kenya, to Hussein Onyango Obama (1895-1979), and Akumu Habiba. His family belonged to the Luo tribe. Obama, Sr., was raised a Muslim, but later became an atheist. He grew up in Nyang’oma Kogelo, Kenya.

1936 –
Lolo Soetoro was born in Indonesia. He was also raised as a Muslim by whom young Barry was indoctrinated into Islam.
1937 –
Frank Marshall Davis received a Julius Rosenwald Fellowship, participated in the federal Works Progress Administration Writers’ Project, started a photography club, and worked for numerous political parties.
1940, May 5 – Stanley Armour and Madelyn Dunham married, after meeting in Wichita, Kansas.
1942, Nov. 7 –
Stanley Ann Dunham was born in Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, to Stanley and Madelyn Dunham. In later years, she and her family moved to California, Texas, and Seattle, Washington.

1945 –
Frank Marshall Davis taught one of the first jazz history classes at the Abraham Lincoln School in Chicago. Jazz music is a creation of American Blacks.
1946 –
Frank Marshall Davis married Helen Canfield, his second wife, a White Roman Catholic Chicago socialite who was 19 years younger than he. (His first wife’s name has not been publicized.) They had five mulatto children – four girls and a boy.
1948 –
Frank Marshall Davis published 47th Street Poems.
1948 –
Frank Marshall Davis and his family moved to Honolulu, Hawaii, after his friend Paul Robeson (a communist) suggested he do so. Davis operated a small wholesale paper business called “Oahu Papers.”
1950 –
Frank Marshall Davis was investigated by the House Un-American Activities Committee for his ties to the Communist Party USA, and the committee accused him of being involved in several communist-front organizations. For 19 years, he was also under FBI investigation led by Director J. Edgar Hoover—Francis Cardinal Spellman’s Masonic Grand Inquisitor leading Rome’s anti-communist crusade. Secretly, the Jesuits were the movers behind the notoriously Black and Jewish communist movement while plotting the rise of Jesuit Fascism. Remember, the “thesis” is historic White Anglo-Saxon-Celtic Protestant culture; the “antithesis” is Jesuit-backed “Left Wing,” anti-Reformation Bible, Jewish-led/Black socialist-communism; and the “synthesis” is anti-Reformation Bible, anti-Black, anti-Jew, White Jesuit Fascism. This has been the Order’s dialectic for its 14th Amendment American Empire since the presidency of Masonic Theodore Roosevelt.
1956 – Obama, Sr., was married at age 18 in a tribal ceremony to his first wife, Kezia (who currently lives in Bracknell, Berkshire, England—all African Blacks would love to live in historic White Protestant England as opposed to the barren tribal wilderness of violent Black African nations), with whom he had four children.
1956 – Ann Dunham’s family moved to Mercer Island, Washington, where she attended Mercer Island High School. She later was a student at the University of Washington, and then the
University of California, Berkeley. Berkeley was known as the heart of the “hippy movement” beginning about this time in Jesuit-ruled San Francisco. Berkeley also had a strong Jesuit presence with the Order’s seminary on campus.
1958 – Abongo (Roy) Obama was born to Barack Obama, Sr., and his first wife, Kezia.
1959 – Obama, Sr., enrolled at the University of Hawaii, leaving behind Kezia and their infant son. At the time, Kezia was three months pregnant with their daughter Auma. We wonder as to the source of funds providing for Obama, Sr.
1959 – Frank Marshall Davis started Paradise Paper Company and wrote a weekly column, “Frank-ly Speaking,” for the
Honolulu Record, which covered labor and racial issues. We wonder as to the effectiveness of Davis’s work in preaching the socialist-communist doctrine of racial/cultural “universal equality” as the Hawaii of today is full of Black crime.
1960 – Auma Obama was born to Obama, Sr., and Kezia.
1960 –
At age 17, Ann Dunham and her family moved to Hawaii, where she attended the University of Hawaii at Manoa, studying mathematics and anthropology. She met Barack Obama, Sr., in a Russian language class. She also met Frank Marshall Davis and submitted to his adulterous advances.

1961, Feb. 2 – Barack Obama, Sr. (age 25), and Ann Dunham (age 18) married in Maui, Hawaii, after she discovered she was pregnant. (The pregnancy arose from an adulterous affair with
Frank Marshall Davis. Davis had taken the much publicized photos of Ann where she posed naked for him. As is the case with the Majority Savage Blacks—unlike the Minority Civil Blacks, Davis was preoccupied with sex, especially sex with another White women, just like Eldridge Clever. Clever stated in his Soul On Ice that he would jump over ten Black women just to get to one White woman. For the ultimate expression of Black hateful racism against “Whitey” is to bed White women, they becoming merely conquered enemy trophies!) The parents on both sides objected to their marriage. When he married Ann, Obama, Sr., was still married to Kezia in Kenya, a fact Ann was unaware of. Therefore, not only was adultery involved with Barry’s conception, but polygamy as to Barry’s legal father. Since polygamy is illegal, Barry’s parents were not married. Barry is not only a “bastard,” as defined in the Holy Scriptures, but a mulatto conceived in an interracial, adulterous liaison. Without help from powerful and wealthy White men serving the designs of Rome, Obama would not be what he is today. Yet he hates the common White man evidenced by his attendance in Mulatto Jeremiah Wright’s hatefully racist, anti-White “church” for over 20 years.
1961, Aug. 4 –
Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., was born six months after his parents’ marriage (reportedly in Honolulu, although his Kenyan grandmother and others claim he was born in Mombosa, Kenya). His White mother left school to take care of him while his pretended Black father completed his degree.
1962, Jun. – Obama, Sr., graduated from the University of Hawaii.
1962, fall – Obama, Sr., left Ann Dunham and their son Barack Obama, Jr., to do graduate work at
Harvard University, a pro-socialist-communist, CFR/CIA-driven Ivy League institution in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Where did this poor Black from Kenya obtain the funds to attend Harvard? We must honestly ask ourselves, can anything good come out of Harvard, that bastion of infidelity, socialism and flagrant sin?
1963, summer – Ann Dunham Obama took one-year-old Barack to join Obama, Sr., in Cambridge, stopping on the way for a visit with friends in Mercer Island, Washington. Soon after arriving in Cambridge, she and her son returned to Seattle, where she enrolled in the University of Washington. She then moved back to Hawaii to be with her family. All of this expensive movement in the summer of 1963, just prior to the Kennedy assassination orchestrated by Rome’s unified American Intelligence Community?
1964, Jan. – Ann Dunham filed for divorce in Honolulu, Hawaii. There is no longer the need to play the part of a married couple. The charade is complete. Barry appears to be an “African-American” in preparation for his role as president of the United States. In the early 1970s
Knight of Malta William F. Buckley, Jr., CFR-member and co-conspirator in the JFK assassination and cover-up, would optimistically write of a coming Black American president—the Order’s grand design in foisting Jesuit Fascism on White Apostate Protestant North America.
1964, Jan. 17 –
Michelle Robinson (Obama) was born in Chicago, Illinois, to Fraser Robinson (who died in 1991) and Marian Shields Robinson.
1965 – Obama, Sr., obtained a masters degree in economics at Harvard and met White Ruth Nidesand. She followed him to Kenya, eventually became his third wife and had two children with him (Mark and David), but later divorced him. She then married a Tanzanian, and they had a son named Joseph Ndesandjo (1980).
Obama, Sr., secured a position in the Kenyan government then controlled by the
Archbishop of New York’s Council on Foreign Relations via the power of its CIA.

1965 – Obama, Sr., wrote a paper titled “Problems Facing Our Socialism,” published in the
East Africa Journal, harshly criticizing the administration of then-President Jomo Kenyatta of Jesuit-controlled, anti-English Protestant, murdering “Mau Mau” fame. Kenyatta sought to move the undeveloped, ” Third World” country of Kenya away from socialism toward capitalism. “What is more important is to find means by which we can redistribute our economic gains to the benefit of all,” said Obama, Sr., repeating what he had learned at socialist-communist, cartel-capitalist Harvard. “This is the government’s obligation.” This, dear reader, is Counter Reformation Jesuit rhetoric at its finest!
“Theoretically,” Obama, Sr., wrote, “there is nothing that can stop the government from taxing
100% of income so long as the people get benefits from the government commensurate with their income which is taxed.” Legally, this statement is correct as all “income” is derived from a government-granted “privilege.” In America, the tax laid upon all “income” derived from “privilege” is an indirect excise tax, which excise tax can be imposed by Congress without limit upon all “income from whatever source derived.” Obama, Sr., learned his lessons well at socialist-communist Harvard. For socialist policies destroy the producers and private wealth while promoting absolutist government—a “father knows best”— to the delight of the Jesuit Order. As Barack Obama, Jr., notes in Dreams from My Father, the conflict between Obama, Sr., and President Jomo “Burning Spear” Kenyatta destroyed his father’s career. Little did Obama know that London-trained Kenyatta was a tool of the Jesuit Order to drive the White Protestant British peoples out of Kenya. For this, he was made president for life, dying at the ripe old age of 83.
1967 – Ann Dunham married
Lolo Soetoro. They met at the University of Hawaii. They moved to Jakarta, Indonesia, with Barack. Lolo worked as a government relations consultant with CFR-connected Mobil Corporation. Ann would later work for the CFR/Jesuit-connected Ford Foundation where she would meet the father of Obama’s current Secretary of the Treasury, CFR-connected Timothy Geithner.
1968 – Abo Obama was born to Obama, Sr., and Kezia.
1968 –
Frank Marshall Davis, the typical Majority Savage Black preoccupied with his “Johnson,” published a hard-core pornography novel, titled Sex Rebel: Black (Memoirs of a Gash Gourmet), written under the pseudonym “Bob Greene.” In the book, Davis describes a “threesome” relationship he and his White wife had with a White teenage girl named “Anne.” This work illustrates Davis’ hatefully-anti-White, Black communist racism. And this man mentored the current president of the United States? God deliver us!
1969 –
William Ayers, son of wealthy Chicago White “philanthropist” (remember the wicked White devil John D. Rockefeller, Sr., was also called a “philanthropist”) and CIA contract agent, Thomas Ayers, and future associate of Barack Obama, Jr., created the Weather Underground—a domestic terrorist organization dedicated to promoting communist revolution in the United States. It was CIA-controlled, the Order’s CIA “Company” using outrageous communist activities to ultimately drive all Whites to desperation thereby to embrace Jesuit fascism—the Order’s anti-Jew endgame for 14th Amendment America.

1970, Aug. 15 – Maya Kassandra Soetoro was born to Lolo and Ann Dunham Soetoro.
1970 – Bernard Obama was born to Obama, Sr., and Kezia.
1970 –
Black Frank Marshall Davis and his White wife Helen divorced.
1970 – Obama’s White grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, became one of the first female vice-presidents of the Bank of Hawaii.
1971 – Barack Obama, Jr., age 10, then known as Barry Soetoro, returned to Hawaii to attend fifth grade at Punahou School, a prestigious preparatory school. Tuition was paid with the aid of scholarships and help from his brilliant White grandmother.

1971 – Obama, Sr., visited Barack Obama, Jr., and his mother, Ann, in Hawaii. This reportedly was the last time Barry/Barack saw Obama, Sr., – although his father reportedly corresponded with Barry/Barack when Barry/Barack was in college.
1971-1979 –
Frank Marshall Davis increasingly became an influence in Barack’s life—a fact alluded to in Barack’s book Dreams from My Father, in which he refers to “Frank” as his mentor and father figure, a friend of the family with whom he often spent his evenings as a teenager. Because of his writings and activities, Davis has numerous connections to liberal and leftist-socialist-communist politics in predominately White Roman Catholic/Black Muslim Chicago.

Barack Obama starts his political career in Chicago. In Chicago politics, no matter what party or affliliation, all potential candidates and want-to-be politicians are asked the question: WHO SENT YOU? Was Barack “sent” to Chicago by his “real” father and mentor Frank Marshall Davis?

Oprah Winfrey does not tell you (probably because she doesn’t know nor does she care) who sent Barack Obama to the Chicago political machine ruled by the Archbishop of Chicago as advised by the Jesuits of nearby Loyola University. For it was at Loyola that firebrand priest Father Michael Phlager was educated. Phlager was the defender of mulatto agitator and Black Liberation Theology zealot, Jeremiah Wright, the dear friend of hatefully-anti-White racist, Black Nation of Islam leader, Louis Farrakhan. Wright was also the apostate Protestant “Pastor” of Obama for over 20 years. But Obama is not an anti-White hateful racist in spite of his true father’s mentoring, Wright’s preaching and Farrakhan’s agitating!

1973 – Frank Marshall Davis made a visit to Howard University in Washington, D.C., to give a poetry reading—the first time he had seen the U.S. mainland in 25 years.
1974 – Ann Dunham returned to graduate school in Honolulu, while also raising Barack and Maya.
1977 – Ann Dunham returned to Indonesia with Maya to do field work where she worked for the Ford Foundation. Barack preferred to stay in Hawaii with his grandparents—and with his true father and mentor,
Frank Marshall Davis. This fact is paramount if we are to understand the mind of Muslim Barack Hussein Obama.
1978 –
Frank Marshall Davis published Awakening and Other Poems.
1979 – Barry Soetoro (later “Barack Obama, Jr.”) graduated from high school, moved to Los Angeles, and studied at
CFR-connected, pro-socialist-communist Occidental College for two years. While at Occidental, he indulged in alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine as well as Black activism which is in substance, Black cultural Supremacy, so necessary if the endgame of White Jesuit Fascism is yet to be established.
1980 – White Atheist Ann Dunham and Asian Muslim Lolo Soetoro divorce.
1981 – Obama visited his mother and half-sister in Indonesia, then traveled to Pakistan and India with friends from college. Afterward, he proceeded on to Kenya, where he visited his pretended father’s family. Obama must establish a historical chain of evidence so as to be able to state that his father is in fact a Black Kenyan.
1981 – Obama transferred to Columbia University in New York City, where he majored in political science with a specialization in international relations. He maintained communication with his father,
Frank Marshall Davis, during this period through letters until his father died in 1982. At Columbia, the Barry Soetoro from leftist Occidental College changes his name to Barack Hussein Obama. It is here that Obama is mentored by White Roman Catholic, Polish-American socialist-communist, Jesuit Georgetown University honored, CFR-member, Trilateral Commission member, Bilderberger and Knight of Malta, the infamous Zibignew Brzezinski. This kingpin within Rome’s CFR-controlled American White Power Structure had mentored Osama bin Laden of Saudi Arabia and mass-murderer Pol Pot of Cambodia, having also served as President Jimmy Carter’s National Security Adviser. For two years Obama will be taught in seclusion, so much so that he will be referred to as “the monk.” Columbia University will be Obama’s Jesuit Novitiate, while Fordham Jesuits will oversee Brzezinski’s mentoring of his Manchurian Candidate. Obama is to be the Empire’s first Mulatto/Black president as foretold by White Irish-American Knight of Malta William F. Buckley, Jr.
1982 – George Hussein Onyango Obama was born to Obama, Sr., and his fourth wife, Jael.
1982 – Obama Sr. lost both legs in a car accident while in a drunken stupor, and then lost his job. He died not long afterward at the age of 46 in another car crash in Nairobi.

Obama Sr. was buried in Alego, at the village of Nyang’oma Kogelo, Siaya District, Kenya. He had served the purpose of Rome’s Unified, 16-Agency, American Intelligence Community by giving its Manchurian Candidate a legal name. On the heels of his pretended Black son’s socialist-communist presidency would, at long last, come
White Jesuit Fascism!
1983 – Barack Obama, Jr., graduated from Columbia University, and then worked for a year at the Business International Corporation, a small newsletter-publishing firm that printed articles relating to global business, and later for the New York Public Interest Research Group.
Obama also became an organizer at Harlem’s City College, working with Black student activists promoting socialist-communist, cultural Black Supremacy.
The antithesis continues.
1985 to 1988 – Obama relocated to Chicago and became associated with black militants and other leftists. He worked as a “community organizer” for the “Industrial Areas Foundation” (IAF), an organization founded by Marxist radical, racial Jew, Saul Alinsky. Its activities over the years have included a “Citizens USA” project to obtain citizenship for illegal aliens. This further’s the Order’s design of promoting the lie that socialist-communism is controlled by Jews, the socialist-communist Blacks being merely their pawns. It is a “Jewish Communist Conspiracy,” not a
Jesuit Conspiracy controlling both the Communists and the Fascists!
Obama also worked with the Alinsky group “Developing Communities Project” (DCP), of which Obama became director; “ACORN” (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now); and Project Vote. ACORN was founded by
Wade Rathke—an associate of Weather Underground founder William Ayers—and is one of the largest and most powerful leftist organizations in the United States.
Barack received funding from the Woods Fund of Chicago for the DCP, with which
William Ayers was reportedly connected.
1986 – Madelyn Dunham retired from the Bank of Hawaii.
1987 –
Frank Marshall Davis died in Honolulu, Hawaii, of a massive heart attack at the age of 81.
1987 – Lolo Soetoro died of a liver ailment at age 51.
1988 – Barack Obama, Jr., visited Europe for the first time and spent three weeks there, and then traveled to Kenya, where he spent five weeks with his Kenyan relatives—continuing the charade.
1988 – Obama enrolled in Harvard Law School. After his first year, he was selected—on the basis of his grades and a writing competition—as an editor of the
Harvard Law Review. He graduated in 1991, magna cum laude.
1989, Jun. – Obama met
Michelle Robinson at the Chicago law firm of Sidley Austin (the owner of which was a close friend of William Ayers’ father) when Barack was hired as a summer associate. She was assigned for three months to advise him at the firm.
Also connected with the firm was William Ayers’ wife Bernadine Dohrn, who was working there when Michelle Obama was hired. A member of her husband’s former terrorist group, the Weather Underground, Dohrn had planted a bomb at a San Francisco police station in 1970 that killed one policeman and partially blinded another, according to an FBI report.
In the late sixties and early seventies, Ayers and his wife were responsible for bombing the Pentagon, the U.S. Capitol Building, the New York City Police Headquarters, and other buildings. After being on the run for a decade, they surrendered to authorities in 1980, only to be set free on a technicality involving the way investigators had obtained evidence. In 2001, Ayers—who is currently a professor of education at the University of Illinois at Chicago—told the
New York Times he regretted he “didn’t do enough” during his days with the Weather Underground.

Again, this is an illustration of the Jesuit Order’s Hegelian Dialectic in all of its sinister beauty. The “thesis” is historic Reformation Bible-based White Protestant and Baptist American Constitutional liberty. The “antithesis” is Jesuit socialist-communism, for which reason every historic White Protestant nation is now groaning under the burden of Marxian socialist-communism. The “synthesis” is White Jesuit Fascism so as to be able to murder every Reformation Bible-believing Christian and every racial Jew in North America.
1990, Feb. – Obama was chosen president of the
Law Review, a full-time volunteer position in which he served as editor-in-chief and supervised the Law Review’s staff of 80 editors. Obama’s election as the first Mulatto/Black president of the Law Review was widely publicized and profiled. As a law student, he took his summers off and returned to Chicago, where he worked as a summer associate at the law firms of Sidley & Austin in 1989 and Hopkins & Sutter in 1990. After graduating with a Juris Doctor (J.D.) from Harvard in 1991, he returned to Chicago. There he worked for the Gamaliel Foundation, a subsidiary of the Ford Foundation. The director of the Hebrew-named foundation was an “ex-Jesuit priest,” Greg Galluzzo. Yes, Obama was mentored in Chicago by a Jesuit.
1990 to 1995 – Public awareness of Obama’s election as the first black president of the
Harvard Law Review resulted in a publishing contract for a book about race relations. To recruit him to join their faculty, the University of Chicago Law School gave Obama a fellowship and an office to work on his book. He initially intended to complete the book in a year, but the project took much longer, as the effort evolved into a personal memoir. So he could work uninterrupted, Obama and his wife Michelle traveled to Bali, where he immersed himself for several months in his manuscript. That’s the official version. Recent scientific analysis of the text suggests the manuscript may have been co-authored by Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor William Ayers, by then a nearby neighbor of Barack. The book was published in mid-1995 as Dreams from My Father. (This is typical Jesuit modus operandi: bring a man to fame through a book he never wrote! Just as Hitler never wrote Mein Kampf, just as J. Edgar Hoover never wrote Masters of Deceit, even so Obama never wrote Dreams of My Father, all of which were ghost-written by the Jesuits.)
According to one source, Obama initially received a $125,000 advance from publisher Simon and Shuster in 1992 for his book, but failed to produce a manuscript. Although he and his wife did in fact travel to Bali to gain the “peace and quiet” to write, he still produced no publishable draft. Obama was then asked to return part of the advance payment, and the contract was cancelled. He came back to Chicago, signed a new contract (with Times Books) for $40,000, and in time delivered a completed manuscript. This version of the facts reinforces allegations that Obama had a ghostwriter. Indeed he did, the very best ghostwriters in the world were Obama’s emissaries!
1992 – Ann Dunham obtained a Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of Hawaii with a dissertation titled
Peasant Blacksmithing in Indonesia: Surviving and Thriving Against All Odds. Ann then undertook a career in rural development championing women’s work and microcredit for the world’s poor, with Indonesia’s oldest bank, the United States Agency for International Development, the Ford Foundation, and Women’s World Banking – and also worked as a consultant in Pakistan, most likely working with the Pakistani ISI. She dealt with leaders from organizations involved with Indonesian human rights, women’s rights, and grassroots development.

1992 – Stanley Dunham died in Honolulu at age 73 and was buried in the Punchbowl National Cemetery.
1992, Apr. to Oct. – Obama directed Illinois’ Project Vote in a voter registration drive that succeeded in registering 150,000 of 400,000 unregistered Black Americans in the state, leading
Crain’s Chicago Business to name Obama among its 1993 list of “40 under Forty” powers to be. That’s it Barry! Register more Blacks so they can vote for more socialist-communist handouts from Washington, further bankrupting the country in preparation for White Jesuit Fascism!
1992, Oct. 3 – Obama and Michelle Robinson were married by “Pastor”
Jeremiah Wright.
1992 – Obama taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School for twelve years, being first contracted as a Lecturer from 1992 to 1996, and then as a Senior Lecturer from 1996 to 2004. Obama’s preparation as a gripping rhetorical speaker is being completed.
1992 – Obama helped found Public Allies, an organization patterned after Alinsky’s AIF that recruits young people to perform “public service” while they are indoctrinated in socialist theory. Obama’s wife Michelle became the group’s Executive Director in 1993. The program later served as the model for Obama’s “Universal Voluntary Public Service” plan. This mimics the
American Communist Party’s Young Pioneers!
1993 – Obama joined Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Galland, a twelve-attorney law firm that specialized in civil rights litigation and neighborhood economic development. He was an associate from 1993 to 1996, then of counsel from 1996 to 2004.
1993 to 2002 – Obama was on the board of directors of the Woods Fund of Chicago, which in 1985 had been the first foundation to fund the Developing Communities Project.
Again, this is more socialist-funding for the Black communities of Chicago—take from the Whites and give to the Blacks.
1994 – Ann Dunham discovered she had ovarian and uterine cancer. She moved back to Hawaii to live near her widowed mother, who cared for her.
1995 – Ann died at the age of 52. After a memorial service held at the University of Hawaii, Barack and his half-sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng, cast Ann’s ashes over the Pacific Ocean on the south side of Oahu.
1995 – Obama launched his first run for the Illinois Senate in the home of
untouchable CIA contract agent William Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dohrn – who hosted meetings to introduce Obama to their neighbors. Obama and the couple lived only blocks apart in the Hyde Park section of Chicago, and shared the same liberal-progressive circle of friends.
1995 – Ayers founded the 500-million-dollar education foundation Chicago Annenberg Challenge, a radical “school reform” group that at one point granted more than $600,000 to an organization run by the former head of the
Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of America. At its inception, Ayers appointed Obama as the chairman of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, a position he held until 1999.
From 1995 to 2002, Ayers and Obama worked as a team to advance the foundation’s agenda, write and implement its bylaws, and funnel money to such organizations as
pro-Black, anti-White, socialist-communist, lying and deceptive ACORN, which later worked in behalf of Obama’s presidential campaign. Further, according to “New Right” Roman Catholic Dame of Malta Phyllis Schlafley, rpro-abortion ACORN has been financed by the Roman Catholic Institution to the tune of over 7 million dollars. Again, we see the Jesuit Papacy using its radical socialist-communist Masonic Jews such as ACORN kingpin Saul Alinsky, to promote the Order’s “communist” side of the dialectic in order to justify the rise of Jesuit Fascism.

1996 – Obama was elected to the state senate in Illinois.
1998 – Malia Ann Obama was born to Barack and Michelle.
1998 – Obama was re-elected to the Illinois State Senate.
1999 to 2002 – Obama and Williams Ayers were members of the board together of the Woods Fund of Chicago, an anti-poverty group of which Ayers went on to become Chairman of the Board. “Anti-poverty group” means
“pro-Black group”—as there can not possibly be any Whites in poverty!
2000 – Obama lost a Democratic primary run for U.S. House of Representatives to Bobby Rush.
2001 – Natasha Obama was born to Barack and Michelle.
2001, Mar. 30 – Obama spoke against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act in the 92nd General Assembly of the Illinois State Senate. The number one reason he gave for voting against the act was that it would potentially undermine
Roe v. Wade.
2001 – Obama gave a radio interview to Chicago station WBEZ-FM, in which he discussed the
“redistribution of wealth” from Whites to Blacks. This was the purpose of the Order’s Civil Rights Movement in the first place. Use the Blacks to justify the economic destruction of the Whites—further facilitating Jesuit Fascism!
2002 mid – Obama began considering a run for the U.S. Senate and enlisted political strategist, the
Jewish David Axelrod. This furthers the impression that socialist-communism is led by Jews—Masonic Jews. Barack announced his candidacy in January 2003.
2002 – Obama was re-elected to the Illinois State Senate,
the Archbishop of Chicago being in charge of the entire political machine in Illinois.
2003, Jan. – Obama became chairman of the Illinois Senate’s Health and Human Services Committee after Democrats regained a majority in the state senate. He sponsored bipartisan legislation to track racial profiling, and a bill that made Illinois the first state to require videotaping of homicide interrogations. Yes, we can have no racial profiling even though over
60 percent of the state’s violent crime is committed by inner city Blacks.
2003, Mar. – As chairman of the Health and Human Services Committee, Obama blocked passage of the Born Alive Infant Protection Act in the state senate. Obama is a child-murderer as are his Jesuit mentors responsible for the wicked decision of
Roe v. Wade.
2003 – Obama’s fundraiser and close friend,
Tony Rezko, helped raise the seed money for Obama’s U.S. Senate race. In 2008, Rezko was convicted of several counts of bribery and fraud. Birds of a feather flock together!

2003 – Obama paid special tribute to
Rashid Khalidi, professor of Mideast studies at the University of Chicago, during a farewell held for Khalidi. A virulent critic of Israel, Khalidi has justified Palestinian terrorist attacks against the Jewish state. Barack and Michelle frequently were dinner companions of the Khalidis.
Former Weather Underground terrorist
Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dohrn were also in attendance at the farewell for Khalidi.
When Obama and Ayers served together on the left-wing Chicago Woods Fund board, they underwrote the Arab-American Action Network (AAAN) with tens of thousands of dollars. The anti-Israel group was created by Khalidi and his wife Mona.

This support for those who curse the Jews is most important to the Jesuit Order for it knows that if a nation persecutes the racial Jews, be they in Israel or elsewhere, God must keep his Word as promised in Genesis 12:1-3. That curse will be imposed on America if Obama implements Rome’s anti-Jew agenda. In this manner the Order uses the power of God’s curse to destroy nations on their hit list—especially the “heretic and liberal” people of the United States.

2004, Jun. 7 – Obama was in socialist billionaire
George Soros’ New York home for an Obama campaign fundraising event. Soros has reportedly funneled large sums of money to the Obama campaign. This keeps with the design that socialist-communism is the work of the Jews. It does not matter that Masonic Jew George Soros is in the same CFR with Fox News mogul, Knight of St. Gregory Rupert Murdoch!
2004, Jul. – Obama keynoted the Democratic National Convention in Boston, Massachusetts.
2004, Aug. – Obama voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act for the reason that it included provisions that “would have taken away from doctors their professional judgment when a fetus is viable.” In his logic, Obama was equating a baby who survived an abortion
with an unborn fetus. In deed, since a fetus refers only to an animal and not to a baby made in the image of God, Obama is in keeping with Jesuit theology that men are mere animals!
2004, Aug. to Nov. – Obama ran against the eloquent
Black Roman Catholic Knight of Columbus Alan Keyes for the U.S. Senate. Keyes was asked to run late in the election season by the Illinois GOP to fill the vacancy left by Jack Ryan, who stepped down because of a sex scandal. The scandal broke after media who were aligned with Obama pressed to have Ryan’s confidential divorce records unsealed.
2005, Jan. 4 – Obama was sworn in as U.S. Senator.
2005 – Obama’s family moved from their Hyde Park condo to their $1.65 million house in the Kenwood District of Chicago. The home was purchased on the same day that Tony Rezko’s wife Rita purchased the adjoining empty lot.

2006 – Obama visited Kenya to campaign for Raila Odinga, a communist who was running for president to oust the pro-USA incumbent, President Mwai Kibaki. After Odinga lost the election, he incited riots that killed 1,500 Kenyans and displaced more than a half million people from their homes. Christian churches were set on fire, and in one case, 50 parishioners, mostly women and children, were locked inside and burned to death. Obviously, Obama supported another
Idi Amin or Robert Mugabe—more Jesuit Temporal Coadjutors killing non-Roman Catholic Christians!
2006, Oct. 17 – Obama published
The Audacity of Hope.
2006, Dec. 4 – Obama met with George Soros in Soros’ Manhattan office. After an hour of discussion, Soros took Obama to a conference room where a dozen people were waiting to talk with Obama. Among them was UBS (Union Bank of Switzerland/Swiss Bank) U.S. chief
Robert Wolf—another Masonic Papal Court Jew. A week later, Robert Wolf had dinner in Washington, D.C., with Obama to map out campaign strategy. Obama must have notorious Jews as his open financiers as well as Jews for his open advisers, Jews such as Rahm Emanuel and David Axelrod who, according to Fascist Fox News, are running the White House. The script is being fulfilled to the letter!
2007, early Jan. – The
New York Times announced that Obama had the support of two high-level Democratic fundraisers: Masonic Jews George Soros and Robert Wolf. By mid-April, 2007, Wolf alone had raised $500,000 for Obama.
2007, Feb. 10 – Obama announced his candidacy for President of the United States.

2007, Apr. 7 – An Obama fundraising party for elite New Yorkers was held at the home of financier
Steven Gluckstern, another Masonic Jew and former chairman of George Soros’ Democracy Alliance. A photo of the event – published in New York magazine April 16, 2007 – showed George Soros seated close to Obama.
2007, May 18 – George Soros hosted a party for Obama at the Greenwich, Connecticut, mansion of Paul Tudor Jones, who runs Tudor Investment Corporation. The sponsors collected $2,300 from each of the approximately 300 attendees ($690,000), the local newspaper
Greenwich Time reported.
2008, Jun. 3 –
CFR-connected Obama became the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, after defeating CFR-connected Hillary Clinton in the primaries.

2008, Aug. 25 – Obama won the nomination of the Democratic Party in Denver, Colorado, the city being completely in the hands of the Archbishop of Denver directed by
the Jesuits from their Regis University. Just prior to the convention, he chose Roman Catholic Delaware Senator Joe Biden as his running mate. The ticket has been called the most liberal in modern American history. Just as Bush 41 was the master of Reagan, as Cheney was the master of Bush 43, even so Biden is the master of Obama!

[2008, Oct. 10 - Distasteful, blatant nude photos of Obama's mother, Stanley Ann Dunham (approximately age 18) allegedly taken in the apartment Frank Marshall Davis were posted at various websites on the Internet. There were no reactions or denials by Durham's son (the president-elect of 2008) nor any of her relatives.]

2008, Oct. 28 – The Obama campaign reportedly set a record by raising $660 million since the beginning of the 2008 election – much of it alleged to have come from foreign sources, including Saudi Arabia. For this reason Obama will later bow to the Saudi King when visiting the Middle East.
2008, Oct. 29 – An unprecedented half-hour promotion of Obama was aired on all major CFR-controlled U.S. networks except ABC, which declined to broadcast the paid political advertisement.

Barry Davis Obama is, by definition, the mulatto bastard son of a married Black socialist-communist and a single White socialist-communist statutorily raped when she was 17 years old. He was raised by his atheist White grandparents whom he has repudiated in favor of his pretended Black father—as does every mulatto your editor has ever known. All allegiance is to be given to the Blacks; no honest debate can be engaged in favor of Whites—in any venue. For the “zeitgeist” of this present hour is hatefully racist, anti-White Black Supremacy in order to impose hatefully racist, anti-Black White Supremacy led by the coming White Jesuit Fascists! May we all be fully aware of this diabolical conspiracy hatched by the Jesuit Papacy so we will not fall prey to its designs.

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Obama’s Muslim friends from Columbia have done a substantial amount of fundraising for him. They include Chandio, Wahid Hamid (currently a Pepsico executive), and Vinai Thummalapally. All three have donated personally to the Obama campaign and have acted as “bundlers” in collecting contributions for him from others. The curious might want to look through Columbia University yearbooks from 1981, 1982, or 1983, to see what information there may be on a young Barack Obama (or Barry Soetoro, the name he used until switching back to Barack Obama). Internet rumors abound (“Obama had a rich, white girl friend while at Columbia”), and will likely continue if official documents are never released. So far, Obama has refused to authorize release of transcripts or his senior essay or anything else of importance. (Should he be elected President, the Obama Presidential Library may consist of nothing more than photographs of Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann.) While American college students were seeking the company of co-eds on Florida beaches, Obama was enjoying the company of wealthy Pakistanis. Another of Obama’s hosts in Pakistan was Muhammadian Mian Soomro, Obama’s senior by about 11 years, son of a Pakistani politician and himself a politician, who became interim President of Pakistan when Pervez Musharraf resigned in August of 2008. Soomro has said that “someone” personally requested that he “watch over” Barack Obama, but will not name that individual (who today allegedly lives in South America). Somewhere along the line (not while in Pakistan), Obama also became acquainted with Khalid Al-Mansour, senior advisor to Prince Al-Waleed Bin Talal of Saudi Arabia. In addition to being a financial advisor to the Saudi royal family, Al-Mansour represents OPEC – which certainly has a vested interest in a continuance of prohibitions against drilling in Alaska’s ANWR preserves and off America’s continental shelf. One has to assume the young Obama’s trip to Pakistan may have been funded by one or more of these wealthy acquaintances, inasmuch as there seems never to have been any mention of actual jobs held by Obama. (After leaving Los Angeles, he says he arrived in New York almost penniless, spending his first night sleeping on the street.) And if he did dishes in the school cafeteria, it is unlikely such a job paid enough to cover the cost of a three week stay half-way around the world. One question that begs an answer is, “What did Obama offer his benefactors in exchange for their financial support?” It should also be noted that Al-Mansour contacted civil rights activist (and attorney for Malcolm X) Percy Sutton, asking Sutton to write a letter of recommendation to help get Obama into Harvard Law School. Clearly wheels were spinning, but how and why is unclear. Well-connected Muslims certainly had something in mind for Barack Obama. A trip to Pakistan is no doubt more than a jaunt to a Florida beach. Few Americans would consider traveling there now, thinking it to be a dangerous place. In 1981, when one of Obama’s possible two trips there occurred, it was less safe. Because of the war between Afghanistan and the Soviet Union, millions of Afghan refugees fled to Pakistan, which was under martial law. The Afghan “mujahedeen” fighters had bases in Pakistan, and they moved back and forth to fight the Soviets. One of the Afghan fighters, whose operations originated in Quetta, Pakistan, was none other than Sheik Osama bin Laden. At that time he was working with Ayman Al-Zawahiri to develop the jihad structure that would lead to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. In the early 1980s, Pakistan was one of the destinations Americans were prohibited from visiting - it was on the State Department’s list of banned countries. Non-Muslims were not welcome, unless they were on official business, formalized through the embassy of the country of origin. The simple truth is that no young American would have a reason to or be able to visit Pakistan in 1981, unless he was on official government business of which the State Department was aware. Assuming the young Barack Obama was not on government business, he had no business in Pakistan. A Muslim non-American, however, would have had an easier time getting into Pakistan. That supports the theory that Obama traveled as a Muslim on an Indonesian passport. He had probably been adopted by Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian Muslim, he attended school in Jakarta, and his school records list his religion as Muslim. Barack Obama was likely a citizen of Indonesia, by virtue of adoption, and possibly maintained both his citizenship and his passport for many years – or at least long enough to travel to Pakistan in 1981. But because Indonesia does not allow dual citizenship, Obama would have had to relinquish his U. S. citizenship (assuming he was born in Hawaii and actually had it) to be a citizen of Indonesia and carry a passport from that country. If Obama never relinquished his Indonesian citizenship, he is not an American citizen – and thus ineligible to serve as its President. The issue could be clarified if Obama would release the appropriate documents, but he refuses to do so. Assuming Obama was a Muslim carrying his Indonesian passport, it would have been far easier for him to enter Pakistan in 1981. Still, what was his purpose in traveling there? To buy drugs? To participate in Jihad? For religious education in the extreme, Saudi-funded Wahhabi sect? Or simply to visit the country of his college friends? According to the Obama campaign, Obama visited Pakistan on his way back from Indonesia, after visiting his mother, Ann Dunham, and half-sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng. Allegedly he stayed in Karachi, Pakistan, and also visited friends in Hyderabad, India. Traveling with Obama on the trip to Pakistan were the aforementioned Chandio and Hamid. (Hyderabad, India was apparently a “party place” at that time; perhaps that reputation refers to drugs.)

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Stanley Ann Dunham childhood pictures as a child are very few in public domain (3 maybe 4 photos) and each photo of SAD is 7 years apart. This is getting a bit scary... there may be a 2 women/little girls/moms are really grandmoms/etc involved in 1940. So not only Berry/Barry was adopted by SAnnD in 1961 but SAnnD's father, SAmoureD, adopted SAnnD in circa 1940 from Lebanon and replaced a real girl (sort of a Jon Benet) with the fake her...? c/p Stanley Ann Dunham (Obama-Soetoro): The real story Virtually nothing is known about Stanley Ann’s schooling prior to arriving at Mercer Island, WA, though one photograph with her parents at about age 11 or 12 shows her wearing a school uniform with the embroidered letters: “NDJ.” (see page 13) What does “NDJ” stand for? Try “Collège Notre Dame de Jamhour,” a secondary Jesuit school in Beirut, Lebanon (with a French name). This miniscule clue accounts for the tremendous obfuscation behind the real whereabouts of the Dunham family and their daughter from, at least, 1945 through 1956. Why conceal her schooling? The significance of her early education (and grooming) has everything to do with the covert, orchestrated rearing of a future U.S. presidential candidate—and political puppet. The Dunham Family: Seated (L-R) are Stanley Ann, Stanley Armour, and Madelyn Lee (Payne) Dunham. Note the “NDJ” insignia embroidered on Stanley Ann’s school dress. Stanley, unlike Madelyn, is not wearing a wedding band. The parents appear to be visiting their daughter who was enrolled at College Notre-Dame de Jamhour, Beirut, Lebanon. Stanley Ann is likely aged 11-12 years in this photo. The upholstery and draperies are definitely 1950s Middle-Eastern style. The window frame finish appears to be extremely worn, suggesting this photo was taken in a school dormitory. Was Stanley Ann about to graduate during this visit? Strangely, there are few childhood photos of Stanley Ann Dunham. Those that we have seen were taken years apart, usually every 7-8 years. This photo would have been taken circa 1953-54. (Other notable NDJ alumni include Amine Gemayel, Charles Helou, Bachir Gemayel—all three are former presidents of the Lebanese Republic and; Michel Edde, former Lebanese minister and president of the Alumni Association; Carlos Ghosn, CEO of Nissan-Renault; Henri Sader, politician and president of Lebanon’s central bank; Karim Pakradouni, former head of the Lebanese Phalanges and former minister; Nassib Lahoud, former Deputy in the Lebanese parliament and; Pierre le Quiller, deputy in the French Assemblee Nationale). Stanley Ann’s indoctrination at NDJ likely prepared her for the unorthodox sociological doctrine she would later learn at MIHS and the future which had been planned for her and for us. Since we are not privy to the specific educational curriculum at NDJ, we can only deduce that she was taught the belief system promulgated by the Jesu Society (Jesuit Order).We are not even certain that Stanley Ann, herself, was born in the U.S. She could have learned to speak English (and French) at NDJ in Lebanon before coming to the U.S. Her “father’s” European stint in the Army easily could have been a cover story to explain his “introduction” to his new “daughter” whom he would have met for the first time (Recall the historic account of Prescott S. Bush “deflecting an incoming missile with a bolo knife”—later proven to be a hoax). Stanley Ann somehow found the time, the opportunity and the money to visit former classmates in Seattle shortly after the birth of her son. Her classmate and friend, former Councilwoman Susan Blake, according to The Chicago Sun Times, was “asked to change BHO’s messy diaper” after feeding—an apparent act of disassociation from her newfound motherhood and her “infant” son. Blake also described Stanley Ann’s mind as “on full tilt.” The Arizona Sentinel April 9, 2009 The Geitner Obama Connection,you can run but you cant hide Filed under: Most Recent Posts — thearizonasentinel @ 5:00 pm New discovery links Dunham aliases to Dunham front companies and real-estate transactions by DefendUSA March 24, 2009 17:23 “The real reason is that Madelyn’s Dad worked for Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company. In 1973 David Rockefeller founded the Trilateral Commission (TC) with the Marxist-praising Zbigniew Brzezinski as its director. Zbigniew Brzezinski is a foreign policy advisor to Obama. What these Trilateralists truly intend is the creation of a worldwide economic power superior to the political governments of the nation-states involved. The place to start is with the banks and developement of “predatory lending” schemes that would eventually collapse Capitalism and pave the way for Socialism. It should also be noted that Stanley Dunham (Obama’s grandfather) started an Oil company for Lolo Soetoro in Indonesia .. so that Standard Oil could make transfers to Indonesia under Lolo’s Oil front. Tweny-percent of the Standard Oil company’s Oil went to powering German Submarines during WWII using Lolo’s Oil front.” We can now see how the Middle East and Western Globalists (Rockefellers etc.) connections started above. It is also why anyone part of this globalist micro-finance scheme (including the Clintons) using the old Muslim money system of hawala with modern credit card laundering, including ATM transfers with the direct quid pro quo involving non profits and the indirect infiltration of funds via some very connected Muslim billionaires, topped off with the public airwaves as a public paid for propaganda ministry, has deep ties between the Indonesian and certain US banking systems over the course of several decades. On to some research ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. An alias for Stanley Ann Dunham was found as a “relative/associate” of Madelyn L. Dunham, Honolulu , HI : “Kelly A. Dunham.” Dunhams had only one daughter, Stanley Ann. Therefore, Kelly Ann, who does not seem to have any other history, is likely an alias for Stanley Ann. An alias search for Stanley Ann at shows the following information: * Kelly A. Dunham, associate/relative of Madelyn L. Dunham, Honolulu , HI ; * Kelly A. Shippleck (Kelly A. Dunham), Phoenix , AZ [is this a third marriage or an alias for real estate/money laundering?]. * Sandra Dunham (Sandra Lee Dunham), OH, FL * Susan N. Dunham, HI, CA. Ste (Stephen) Dunham, Honolulu , HI (Stanley Ann chooses another male name?) * Stephen O. Dunham, Honolulu , HI * Scott A. Dunham, (Stanley Ann chooses a second male name?), HI, WA, OR, TN, VA, IN. A lot of research has been done on the ominous real-estate scams by the Dunham family and their partners. Some of the research links this money-laundering scheme using counterfeit money and stolen credit card info back to Lebananon. Ann Dunham was possibly not an America citizen - and went to school in Beirut , Lebanon . Possibly, the family was smuggled into the US as spies. No wonder Obama refuses to show his BC. Take a look at the image below: Those initials on her jumper are reported to stand for: College Notre Dame de Jamhour in east Lebanon . It is typical of the ‘50’s to have your clothes monogrammed. Now .. back to topic. There is also a Marriage notice from Kelly A Dunham to a James Allen in 1999 ( Document No: O135737 Fee: $10.00 Recorded: 1999-07-15 Class: LCO Grantor(s): ALLEN KELLY L ETAL DUNHAM JAMES T ETAL DUNHAM KELLY A ETAL Grantee(s): Description: NOTED ON CT 462913 MARRIAGE Note according to records, Kelly A. Dunham passed on in 2007: KELLY ANN DUNHAM (born)08 Nov 1964 (died)19 Feb 2007 (V) 14094 ( Lockport , Niagara , NY ) (none specified) (SS number)079-52-7004 New York There is a connection to: Ann Dunham Kelly Dunham Patricia Dunham I searched Patricia Dunham and it comes up with that James T. Allen (James T Dunham) connection just as Kelly Dunham does. Document No: L2115186 Fee: $10.00 Recorded: 1994-02-03 Class: AM Grantor(s): DUNHAM JAMES T &WF DUNHAM PATRICIA A &HSB Grantee(s): GENTRY MTG CO LTD Description: NOTED ON CT 423875 MTG 2076542 A new discovery - as previously, Patricia A. Dunham was linked only as the registrant to the Dunham foreign profit company, Dunham Enterprises (see below). The records above directly link both Kelly A. Dunham and Patricia A. Dunham to James T. Allen (Dunham). It means both aliases are/were used by the same person – Stanley A. Dunham. It is now clear that Stanley A. registered this business using the Patricia A. Dunham alias: TRADE NAME DUNHAM ENTERPRISES FILE NUMBER 321149 ZZ CERTIFICATE NUMBER 4034202 STATUS Active PURPOSE CONSULTING EXPIRATION DATE Jun 27, 2010 REGISTRATION DATE Jun 28, 2005 MAILING ADDRESS 1134 KINAU ST #901 HONOLULU, Hawaii 96814 UNITED STATES REGISTRANT PATRICIA ANN DUNHAM If Patricia A. Dunham is an alias for Stanly A. Dunham (which the records above irrefutably suggest), according to the registration date of said business above, it would have to mean that Stanley A. Dunham is still alive and that she didn’t pass away. I guess now you can see why the hospital in Hawaii that was said to have taken care of Stanley A. prior to her death has no knowledge or records of her having been there. The address of this business (when viewing Google Maps) is only one block away from where Madelyn Dunham was said to live. Stanley A. also spelled her last name “Sutoro instead of Soetoro” on some real-estate transactions. You can see this below: Document No: B20784528 Fee: $5.00 Recorded: 1987-06-16 Class: R Grantor(s): DUNHAM STANLEY A SIMLOG LEASING CORP SUTORO STANLEY A D Grantee(s): DUBEY KRISHNA ETALS GARRETT RICHMOND ETALS MORRIS ELDON W ETALS SHAW JOHN ETALS SWAN DONALD ETALS U S A IRS TMK: Description: JDGT IN 17656/556 &C SIMLOG (see record above) is/was a leasing company — it was a HI registered business but a Washington State Corp. (registered originally in Washington State ) State of HI de-listed/de-certified SIMLOG for failure to file annual reports of some kind. Research indicates Obama’s mother was the front (was a corporate officer) of this business — and may be connected to the IRS Lien against her. All the players in this game of hoarding US tax$ and doing money laundering schemes have solid connections. In fact, there is even a solid connection between Obama and Thomas Ayers (Bill Ayers father). The same holds true for Peter Geithner (Treasury Secretary Geithner’s father). The Fathers of these men were all involved in real-estate schemes while each one claiming to be a “Philanthropist” (aka Communist) and setting up fronts to funnel in Grant money. The Obama-Ayers connection has been presumed to be only that between Obama and William Ayers. However, there is a direct Obama-Ayers connection between Obama and Thomas G. Ayers (photo), father of William Ayers and the retired president and CEO of Commonwealth Edison, that predates the 2005 mortgage with Northern Trust. According to the 2001 annual report of the Chicago Public Education Fund, Thomas Ayers and Barack Obama both served as members of the Fund’s Leadership Council. Here it should be mentioned that until May 1994, when he had passed the Company’s mandatory retirement age of 75, and was therefore no longer up for re-election, Thomas G. Ayers served on the Finance Committee of the General Dynamics Corp. board of directors with Lester Crown, the largest share holder. It just so happens that Northern Trust was the trustee of the corporation’s Salaried Savings Plan and the Hourly Savings Plan overseen by the Committee. The Obama/Geithner connection: Peter F. Geithner, Treasury Secretary Geithner’s father, worked for the Ford Foundation. Peter was director of the Asia program at the Ford Foundation, a New World Order (NWO) operation. Peter Geithner oversaw the “microfinance” programs developed in Indonesia by Ann Dunham-Soetoro, Barack Obama’s mother. Did you know that when Son of Stanley was going to school in Los Angeles , he went with a Pakistani friend to visit his mother in Indonesia , who was working for Peter Geithner at that time. After this, he spent a couple weeks in Pakistan , before he abruptly transferred to Columbia in New York where Peter Geithner was headquartered And now you ask, what about the Saudi Arabia connection? It wreaks of more real-estate fraud (how’d you guess?) Remember Tony Rezko? A Saudi national. Tony Rezko had direct contact to Prince Alwaleed of Saudi Arabia . Obama charmed Rezko as Senator, letting Rezko set up illegal real-estate scams in Obama’s Chicago district. Obama got major kick-backs from the illegal Rezko land deals. He also got major donations from his new Sugar Daddy, Prince Alwaleed. Alwaleed was ripe for the plucking, because Alwaleed has been trying to buy up America and control certain businesses, including the media. For example, Alwaleed has millions of shares in Fox News (among other media stations). He bragged about telling Fox to change their tune on Obama or else he’d pull his stock. These radical Muslims all have a common goal – to destroy Israel . It is why Obama has all the Iranian connections as well. The plan is to build up Iran big-time using US tax$ (including their long-arm Hamas). Obama has funneled a lot of US tax$ to Iran through a front company called the “Earthquake Relief Fund” set up by one of Obama’s clients (AHMAD P BARAVAT) when he was practicing Law.Guess what Obama was defending Ahmad for? You gessed it right again .. real-estate money laundering. You can see Amad wasn’t even that creative with his aliases, but made certain he used the name every Muslim can identify with: AHMAD P BARAVATI – 1118 BLOOMFIELD RD, CAPE GIRARDEAU MO 63703 AHMAD P BARAVATI – 2001 ROSE DR, COLUMBIA MO 65202 AHMAD P BARAVATI – 435 W DIVERSEY PKWY, CHICAGO IL 60614 AHMAD P BARAVATI – 1544 OAKWOOD OAKWOOD AVE, HIGHLAND PARK IL 60035 AHMAD P BARAVATI – 2086 SAINT JOHNS AVE APT 106, HIGHLAND PARK IL 60035 AHMAD P BARAVATI – 555 W STRATFORD PL APT 505, CHICAGO IL 60657 AHMAD P BARAVATI – 3620 N PINE GROVE AVE, CHICAGO IL 60613 HOSSEIN P BARAVATI – 474 N LAKE SHORE DR APT 3301, CHICAGO IL 60611 HOSSEIN P BARAVATI – 1130 S MICHIGAN AVE APT 3312, CHICAGO IL 60605 HOSSEIN P BARAVATI – 7513 ROOSEVELT RD, FOREST PARK IL 60130 HOSSEIN P BARAVATI – 7507 N ROCKWELL ST APT 2C, CHICAGO IL 60645 HOSSEIN P BARAVATI – 721 W BRIAR PL APT 302, CHICAGO IL 60657 HOSSEIN P BARAVATI – 3725 N WILTON AVE APT 2C, CHICAGO IL 60613 HOSSEIN P BARAVATI – 555 W STRATFORD PL APT 505, CHICAGO IL 60657 HOSSEIN BARAVATTI – 42 FATIMI, CINCINNATI OH 45136 So, now do you think “leaking” the blueprints for Marine One to Iran through a Peer-to-Peer network by Obama was a mistake?? You sure didn’t hear it via the MSM, but Computerworld reported it, but with a very nice spin to it as to not be criticized: >From ComputerWorld: “Classified information about the communications, navigation and management electronics on Marine One, the helicopter now used by President Barack Obama, were reportedly discovered in a publicly available shared folder on a computer in Tehran, Iran, after apparently being accidentally leaked over a peer-to-peer file-sharing network. “ Tea Party Express Schedule “Medicine is the keystone of the arch of socialism.” - Vladimir Lenin This email is archived at Washington is Broken Corruption Reigns Supreme On the Road Again Oct 25 to Nov 11 National Strike Nov 4, 2009 Myrtle Beach Freedom Weekend Nov 14 & 15 Tea Party Commercial Oath Keepers Rich Martin . --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ To join RichsRants, send email to: For more options, visit this group at -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~--- • RR: Obama's "white grandmother", Madelyn Dunham, was no shrinking violet. rich martin • Stanley Ann Dunham... Is It Possible Obama's Birth Mother Is Still Alive?... Maybe... You Decide Submitted by SadInAmerica on Fri, 07/31/2009 - 2:38pm. The following information was extrapolated and formulated from Mitchell Langbert's Blog for November 18, 2008. Communsim from day 1 It is reported that Obama's grandparents were members of the CPUSA communist party. Also his mother Ann Dunham. Obama's mentor Frank Marshall Davis was a big time player in the CPUSA in Chicago before leaving for Hawaii to live. Obama ends up where? Chicago. Obama immediately joined the NEW PARTY when he arrived and they helped him get elected to the Illinois senate. Who died and when? Ann Dunham's father seemingly never died and married another woman. Ann seemingly never died and is alive and well to this day. Did Obama's grandmother really die recently? Keep in mind there were no funerals, just memorial services for each person. Also, there is no record of a Stanley Ann Dunham having been treated and dying in a Cancer Institute in Hawaii that Obama has made claim to. They have no record of her having died or even being there at all. What we're told - November 7, 1995, Stanley Ann (Dunham-Obama) Soetoro allegedly died of “ovarian cancer” at age “56.” Her body was cremated; there was no funeral. Memorial service held in her honor at the University of Hawaii. No info on BHO attending; But “helped scatter her ashes over the Pacific Ocean.” Problems with the story - An alias for Stanley Ann Dunham was found as a “relative/associate” of Madelyn L. Dunham, Honolulu, HI: “Kelly A. Dunham.” - Dunhams had only one daughter, Stanley Ann. Therefore, Kelly Ann, who does not seem to have any other history, is likely an alias for Stanley Ann. An alias search for Stanley Ann at shows the following information: * Kelly A. Dunham, associate/relative of Madelyn L. Dunham, Honolulu, HI; * Kelly A. Shippleck (Kelly A. Dunham), Phoenix, AZ [is this a third marriage or an alias for real estate/money laundering?]. * Sandra Dunham (Sandra Lee Dunham), OH, FL * Susan N. Dunham, HI, CA. Ste (Stephen) Dunham, Honolulu, HI (Stanley Ann chooses another male name?) * Stephen O. Dunham, Honolulu, HI * Scott A. Dunham, (Stanley Ann chooses a second male name?), HI, WA, OR, TN, VA, IN. Each of the aforementioned aliases contains one or more references to the above examples. In cases where the trail seemingly ends, one needs only to cross-reference the “relatives/associates” and the trail continues. Some entries show as many as “99 addresses” in one city and “160 relatives/associates ACTIVE social security check on Stanley Ann Dunham Her SSN is 535-40-8522 from A search at using that SS# returns 2 addresses in Honolulu, HI and one address for NY,New York. Stanley Ann's age for this record is shown to be age 66. Doing a search yields the following results: Stanley A. Dunham 320 E. 43rd St. NY, NY 10017 Telephone Number 212-573-5000 Job Title: Part of the Gender Equality Program Co Ford Foundation It has been reported that Stanley Ann Dunham was at Ford Foundation during Barack’s Columbia years. A reverse phone number search for the Ford Foundation number returns an individual by the name of Scott Terkowitz Did Scott Terkowitz take over that phone number and office? It looks like he had a California license and a West Virginia license to practice. Virginia Board of Dentistry Scott T********, Clifton Forge, VA Profession: Dentist; Lic. No. 043290; Cal. No. 21162 Regents Action Date: January 12, 2004 Action: Application for consent order granted; Penalty agreed upon: 24 month suspension, execution of last 21 months of suspension=2 0stayed, probation 2 years. Summary: Licensee admitted to the charge of having been found guilty of professional misconduct by the Virginia Board of Dentistry. New York State Education Department Office of the Professions Summaries of Regents Actions on Professional Misconduct and Discipline January 12, 2004 A search for the Ford Foundation Address: 320 E. 43rd St. New York There 36 places (mostly medical related) associated with this address. Not uncommon for large office buildings. Each business in the building have their own phone number, as you would expect. The phone for the first place (a medical firm) on the list was searched and it returned 24 people having the same and IDENTICAL phone number but with DIFFERENT addresses, even out of state, for that number. *The common denominator of these results is each address is a different one for a different PHD Medical Doctor, but with the same phone number It is possible this is a national group but very odd having different addresses. The Ford Foundation and Stanley Ann's connection there It is reported that Ann Dunham worked for the Ford Foundation in Indonesia for many years. Going to the Ford Foundation website, the following information is given: The Jakarta office makes grants in Indonesia. Ford Foundation P.O. Box 2030 Jakar ta 10020, Indonesia Tel. (+62) 21-252-4073 Fax (+62) 21-252-4078 The Ford Foundation began working in Indonesia, from an office located in Jakarta, in 1953. Over the years, we have provided more than $450 million in grants in selected fields. The great diversity of Indonesia’s people and their culture—in terms of geography, religion, and social differences—is a source of strength and innovation. At the same time, the nation’s ethnic and linguistic diversity presents challenges, and certain groups are significantly marginalized in their access to resources or participation in decisions that affect their lives. Broad, Evolving Focus The grant-making focus of the foundation has evolved over the years in response to the shifting political and economic landscape and the changing needs and priorities of Indonesia’s people and communities. Today, we are making major commitments in a range of areas, including local philanthropy; natural resources management, rural livelihoods and community empowerment; sexuality and reproductive health; governance and civil society; media, arts and culture; and formal and alternative education. Grants in these areas have been designed to strengthen individual and institutional capabilities, support innovative practices and disseminate information on successful approaches” The current analysis now raises this question: Question... Are these doctors involved with Organ Harvesting/Trafficking? Rising trade in Human Organs is Alarming. You can read the article on this here: Indonesia is one of the "hot-spots" for organ trading. Question... Are the people currently associated with the building that houses THE FORD FOUNDATION at 320 E. 43rd St. involved in another body organ trafficking ring? Concerning Ann Dunham helped with microeconomics in why her job title at Ford Foundation for Gender Equality? The same pattern holds true for doing searches on the other phone numbers listed in the initial results. Each one returns a different list of Contacts, but each with the same phone number and yet different address. Each one is a Medical PHD. A search for Ann Dunham and the Ford Foundation at yields this result: Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama Former Menteng student now US President “Dunham-Soetoro became a consultant for the United States Agency for International Development on setting up a village credit program, then a Ford Foundation program officer in Jakarta specializing in women’s work. Later, she was a consultant in Pakistan, then joined Indonesia’s oldest bank to work on what is described as the world’s largest sustainable microfinance program, creating services like credit and savings for the poor.” Dunham Foreign Profit Businesses Some have these business-fronts have lapsed or withdrawn. A search for Dunham businesses at yield some of the following results DUNHAM ASSOCIATES, INC. FOREIGN PROFIT CORPORATION Annual Filings FILING YEAR DATE RECEIVED STATUS 2004 Mar 22, 2004 Rejected 2003 Jan 16, 2003 Processed 2002 Not Required 2001 Processed 2000 Processed 1999 Processed TRADE NAME DUNHAM ENTERPRISES FILE NUMBER 321149 ZZ CERTIFICATE NUMBER 4034202 STATUS Active PURPOSE CONSULTING EXPIRATION DATE Jun 27, 2010 REGISTRATION DATE Jun 28, 2005 MAILING ADDRESS 1134 KINAU ST #901 HONOLULU, Hawaii 96814 UNITED STATES REGISTRANT PATRICIA ANN DUNHAM *A search using for businesses associated with Stanley Dunham yield the following results. Notice the Ford Foundation comes up. THE FORD FOUNDATION *All Filings 1. THIS IS THE ADDRESS WHERE STANLEY ANN DUNHAM WORKED FOR THE FORD FOUNDATION AT 320 E. 43RD ST. NYC NY NOTICE THAT THESE FILES ARE NOT AVAILABLE TO BE VIEWED!!! 2. Debtor Names: FORD FOUNDATION T/A REST. ASSOC. 320 E. 43RD ST., NYC, NY 10036-0000, USA Secured Party Names: LA TOURAINE COFFEE CO. 520 SECAUCUS ROAD, SECAUCUS, NJ 07096-0000, USA File no. File Date Lapse Date Filing Type Pages Image 085313 04/22/1998 04/22/2003 Financing Statement 1=2 0NA * 3. Debtor Name s: FORD FOUNDATION T/A REST. ASSOC. 320 E. 43RD ST., NYC, NY 10036-0000, USA Secured Party Names: LA TOURAINE COFFEE CO. 520 SECAUCUS ROAD, SECAUCUS, NJ 07096-0000, USA File no. File Date Lapse Date Filing Type Pages Image 085317 04/22/1998 04/22/2003 Financing Statement 1 NA * 4. Debtor Names: THE FORD FOUNDATION 320 EAST 43RD ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017-4816, USA Secured Party Names: IBM CORPORATION 1 NORTH CASTLE DRIVE, ARMONK, NY 10504-2575, USA File no. File Date Lapse Date Filing Type Pages Image 002985 01/05/2000 01/05/2005 Financing Statement 1 NA * 014125 01/20/2000 01/05/2005 Termination 1 NA * 5. Debtor Names: THE FORD FOUNDATION 320 EAST 43RD ST, NEW YORK, NY 10017-0000, USA Secured Party Names: DE LAGE LANDEN FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC. 1055 WESTLAKES DRIVE, BERWYN, PA 19312-0000, USA File no. File Date Lapse Date Filing Type Pages Image 238698 12/12/2000 12/12/2005 Financing Statement 2 NA * NOTE: New York State does not issue organizational identification numbers. It is also reported that Stanley Ann Soetoro, also used or spelled "Soetoro" as "Sutoro". Ford Foundation, white pages search Stanley A. Dunham: Expanded search to SUTORO...instead of as SOETORO... (In the Hawaiian Public records search, the public records were listed as Stanley Ann SUTORO) Ann D Sutoro 320 E 43rd St New York, NY 10017 (212) 573-5000 Job title: Program Officer for Women & Employment Company: Ford Foundation Question... SA Dunham the same as our Stanley Ann Dunham that worked at 320 E. 49th St. in NYC at the Ford Foundation?? She supposedly DIED in Nov. 1995, and Verizon didn’t come onto the scene until 1996..after the merger of Bell Atlantic and GE Now, what is interesting is that on this search record, it states years of residence 1993, 1994, 1995. BUT, what is INTERESTING, is that the phone number associated with this S A Dunham was a Land Line..from Verizon. Verizon didn’t exist until 1996. For years 1993, 1994, 1995 when she was supposed to be living in Hawaii?? She supposedly died on Nov. 7, 1995. The address at 235 E. 40th St puts her on the same block as her Ford Foundation Job address. 320 E. 40TH ST. Reverse search on her phone came up name and address unavailable: Phone was a LAND LINE, Verizon US Phone and Address Directories, 1993-2002 about S A Dunham Name: S A Dunham Address: 235 E 40Th St City: New York State: New York Zip Code: 10016-0889 Phone Number: 212-986-9541 R esidence Years: 1993201994 1995 Source Citation: City: New York; State: New York; Year(s): 1993 1994 1995. *Low and behold, we see Ann only lives 3 city blocks from where she works! Overall analysis based on data presented above indicates... The multiple addresses under each alias suggest an extreme pattern of money laundering and real estate acquisitions. No one person would have so many addresses in one lifetime and certainly not under each alias. The research has, quite by accident, opened the door to the world of organized real estate fraud and money laundering. Admittedly, charging the Dunhams and their presumed aliases and Stanley Ann and her aliases with complicity in this nation-destroying scam is a bold step forward and, journalistically, could be deemed premature. However, the extent of money-laundering, as revealed by means of linking database names and real estate transactions, is staggering. On the basis of the above examples and evidence from other investigations, the numbers of properties involved likely number in the millions and would be worth hundreds of billions of dollars, if not $trillions. What is most interesting in this is how they appear to be accomplishing this as it has mixed the old Muslim money system of hawala with modern credit card laundering, including ATM transfers with the direct quid pro quo involving non profits and the indirect infiltration of funds via some very connected Muslim billionaires, topped off with the public airwaves as a public paid for propaganda ministry. For the basics, hawala, is an off the book banking system which runs the Middle East. No money ever exchanges hands across borders. It works like this: Ahmadinejad of Iran decides to disrupt the United States election process and tells a broker in Tehran, he wants to transfer several hundred thousand dollars to Iranian immigrants in the United States. The broker takes the money from Ahmadinejad, writes the transaction down in his notebook, assigns it a transaction number which he tells Ahmadinejad to send to his Iranian agents in New York or Detroit, who then go in and pick up the cash from the hawala broker which looks like a noodle merchant in a run down store. No money ever exchanges hands, but the Tehran broker will someday soon have money coming out of America and make the exchange and the books will balance then in a perpetual flow. Other interesting notes, including information from an undisclosed source claiming to know the real Obama... “There is no evidence Ann Dunham had even met Obama Senior in or around November 1960, the alleged time of conception, indeed it is not even clear Obama was in Honolulu at that time, although he may have been. Ann Dunham was only 17 and although she might have been in Honolulu the timing is tight. More to the point, she was in neither of the medical centers put forward by the Obama campaign (Question... why do they not know in which hospital he was born?) on August 4th, nor are there medical records to back up the claimed birth, nor has an attending physician been named. I’ve heard of births with the father absent, births with the mother absent a bit trickier.” “There are said to be photos of Ann Dunham on Waikiki Beach taken in or about July 1961, when she is supposed to have been in her third trimester, in a bikini, taken by a fellow female student. AD is clearly not pregnant. Media have not yet talked to fellow students, but it can’t be long. There are bound to be other photos of AD in existence taken during the alleged 2nd and 3rd trimesters. Obama campaign are terrified some one will press for her medical records, which have been accessed by CIA.” “Obama Senior was murdered in Kenya in 1982 to silence him. Interesting story, his sister Auma as well — she appears to be a full sister, not a half-sister as he is claiming, i.e. they share the same mother. She was ordered back to Kenya in 2007 to prevent DNA testing …. CIA did a DNA test on the grandparents, using saliva from glasses, which conclusively rules out any relationship between Obama and the Dunhams.” “Effectively,” the source concludes, “Obama is a German sleeper agent.” There was the fact that in Hawaii the boy was tutored in the ways of revolution by leading black activists, Muslim activists, and Communist activists. Influentia black nationalist and Communist Frank Marshall Davis would become a huge influence in the young Obama’s life. But things really got strange... with the revelation that Khalid al-Mansour, close adviser to a Saudi billionaire and royal family helped Obama get into Harvard Law School (and reportedly Columbia before that) and financed his education and advancement. *Those who controlled the life of Stanley Armour Dunham, prepared him for the subservient role he would later play, as a “surrogate grandfather” to a fictional character created for the purpose of first infiltrating, then compromising the United States government. Lebanon Connection, money-laundering scheme using counterfeit money and stolen credit cards ** Ann Dunham possibly not a America citizen and went to school in Beirut, Lebanon. Possibly the family was smuggled into the US as spies. No wonder Obama refuses to show his birth certificate. "It is not that difficult my fellow and fellowette citizens. I will remind you that Mr. Obama is currently being fed over $250 million in overseas funds! This is the same overseas forgery center of the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon which has the Xerox DocuColor 100 digital printing press at $500,000 a unit, along with the old acid paper and the presses which turns out hundreds of millions of dollars to fund terrorism around the world. Do you really think an operation which was Axelrod inept and has graduated to contracting outside computer hackers in a quid pro quo is now going to be sunk in not coming up with a few documents and a few Democrats from operational military and intelligence backgrounds to clean up this problem?" "The process is simple. 3rd world bank takes in counterfeit money to pay for non used credit cards which have been stolen." More on stolen credit card numbers -- used for Obama related money laundering: "The payments are all electronic, so no statements are sent to unsuspecting people. The net result the Obama campaign hauls in over 250 million in donations which means a big black hole deficit in someone's legitimate bank." "Rep. John Boehner of the GOP asking about ghost loans of 2 trillion dollars to who knows where and what that the taxpayer is being stuck with in asking the real questions of just how much of this government bailout money and financial disaster flowed directly into Barack Obama's campaign funding orgy of 800 million dollars. We know for a fact today that the Democratic Party BORROWED 15 million dollars for Barack Obama in the last weeks of the election. Which banks did this come from and as homeowners were in dire straits at the very least banks were giving Obama loans for steak dinners and jet trips while poor people were being squeezed to pay their mortgage." The scheme in detail as explained by an expert in the process "Obama receives 300 million dollars from the Middle East. The said Middle East bank has in it counterfeit money from Lebanon deposited knowing it is bogus. Said Obama operatives in the Middle East take stolen American credit card numbers which if one recalls were all over the news just before the Obama campaign decided it was going to raise money via credit cards. The operatives phone Obama's Penny Pritzker and donate whatever amounts that showed up on their books which amount to 300 million dollars. American credit card companies pay it thinking they are being paid with real money from these banks. The operatives pay by electronic transfers the credit card bill so no physical bill is sent and the owner whether living or dead has no idea their account is active as most accounts do not show year end statements. The money then goes into the Obama accounts in America banks and is paid out to willing Obama sucklings all squealing like pigs for the Obama in being funded by him. For all the nonsense of Shep Smith not believing the MSM is in the tank for Obama and made a difference, no one has asked grinning Shep just how much 800 million dollars buys in loyalty from the media. At the very least Barack Obama is on record for taking 15 million dollars from a strapped population in need of every cent to make house payments. At the mid ground, Barack Obama owes 300 million dollars in money which should be seized by the Treasury as it was fraudlent coming out of the Middle East. At the maximum, Barack Obama is knowingly guilty of criminal money fraud in taking a part in funding his campaign in the economic rape of the United States." ** "No birth certificate for Stanley Ann Dunham or her parents, or her maternal grandparents. No marriage certificate for Ann's parents and no record of Ann's fathers service in the military. This would be a point Obama made to throw everyone off that no one in his family is a natural born citizen including him. So why is the government covering up all of this for Obama? All these records Obama talks about are available to the FBI and the CIA. Yet we hear nothing? We have no idea who Obama is. But this information here says he is a part of something larger than just POTUS." ** Investigators declare, “Obama never attended Columbia University” American Grand Jury February 11, 2010 A d v e r t i s e m e n t American Grand Jury has archived extensive records over the past year which we used in our jury hearings. We now believe beyond a reasonable doubt that Obama is not a “natural born” citizen and it is even possible that he may be an illegal alien. We also have records showing the Democratic National Convention fraudulently declared Obama constitutionally eligible while never vetting the “natural born” requirement with the electorate. Now, new evidence has come to light whereby Dr. James Manning has declared that Obama never attended Columbia University [New York]. Dr. Manning has hired a team of investigators to comb over every bit of available evidence to validate his declaration. Read entire article Social bookmarks Email this article Print this page Share on Twitter Comment Rules 159 Responses to “Investigators declare, “Obama never attended Columbia University”” Harry Hairball Says: February 11th, 2010 at 11:40 am That’s right. Obama’s true nationality is Hell-ian. Reply MAD DOG Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 12:48 pm AT THE LEAST, HE’S GUILTY OF FRAUD AND GRAND THEFT FOR POSING AS A FOREIGNER AND RECEIVING STUDENT AID. Reply OBAMAistheREALchimp Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 12:49 pm He needed to pay for his bong & stash somehow Reply 2012 Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 2:11 pm if he had a bong and sum pot he would do a better job Reply mfitzy111 Reply: February 12th, 2010 at 11:55 am and maybe people would remember him being around… LOSER Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 4:14 pm NOW what, OBAMA is a ALIEN from space. ha ha ha bunch of LOSERS!!! ALEX JONES REALLY HAS YOU GUYS GOING! Reply MAD DOG Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 6:48 pm MAN ARE YOU STUPID OR WHAT ? HOW CAN ANYONE BE SO ASININE.. Blue Beam Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 7:52 pm OK Loser, fess up. You really are Glenn Beck trying to FUD the story. JaDE Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 10:22 pm Obama is a clone of Ahkenaten, lol! things2remember Reply: February 12th, 2010 at 1:05 pm Hey loser, you are showing your real colors. The push for truth is marching in masses. You are either a gov dork or at the worst a brainwashed sheeple. It’s amazing how obama’s background is crumbling, I believe he is a bin ladin, The bin ladin’s were all flown out of the country right after the 9-11 ordeal. The name simularity and his fabracted history is enough to have an impeachment hearing. Hey, loser do you know what the problem is about truth? The truth will always comes out! john Reply: February 12th, 2010 at 1:25 pm HEY LOSER WAKEUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fastmarine Reply: February 14th, 2010 at 11:39 pm ALEX JONES IS AN NWO SHILL!!!!!! REMEMBER THE BEST DISINFO IS 90% TRUE- HE IS THE BEST SHILL EVER!!! DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH WHY IS THERE NO ISRAEL SECTION ON INFOWARS!?!?!? GET ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF HISTORY ALEX!!!!!….._embedded# THE WATCHER Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 2:35 pm Obama CANNOT be a “natural born Citizen”, his father was NOT a U.S. Citizen. A “natural born Citizen” can only come from two U.S. Citizen parents, Obama’s father was here on a student visa and he was NEVER a U.S. Citizen, therefore, no matter where he was born, Obama is NOT legally president! This is a MUCH bigger scandal than “Watergate” and Obama WILL eventually be forced out of office! Reply I made you look Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 3:09 pm The watcher first of all no beef, but I have to call you out on your stupidity. So because both parents aren’t from the US. Does that make anybody who’s parent arent from the US not a citizen even though they were born here. I wish you will tell me that to my face, see if you got some teeth left. The whole s--- is played out to bad you put the sucker in office now look what you get. NEXT UP the CALI nazi ROFL. Gov without accountability is useless. same days different s---. No defender of… Reply FitzRoger Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 5:02 pm If he was born in the US then he is a citizen, BUT not a natural born citizen if one of his parents were not a citizen of the United States. Because of this, he not being a natural born citizen, he cannot hold the office of President, since that is a requirement of the position. Reply Timbo Reply: February 12th, 2010 at 2:14 pm Yes that would be correct. jerseygirl Reply: February 12th, 2010 at 12:38 pm Yes, when the mother is not old enough to confer citizenship upon her child. At the time Obama was born the law in Hawaii was that the parent had to have lived in the US for 5 years after the age of 14 to confer US citizenship on her child. That would mean that Stanley Ann Dunham would have to have been 19 at the time of his birth to confer citizenship upon Obama. She was 16 or 17 when she gave birth to him. Reply Sabre Reply: February 13th, 2010 at 10:59 pm Let us not forget, also,there is evidence of his attending school in Indonesia.To do that, he’d had to renounce any citizenship and become an Indonesian citizen.And, I remember a family member(grandmother ?) stating she witnessed his birth in Mombasa, Kenya.Wish I could recall the exact article.(a bit of information overload, maybe?) Hostage situation Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 4:14 pm First you must prove that obama was not born in the u.s. or any terroritary which falls under u.s. control. It makes no difference where his father or mother came from,or what their citzenship status was at the time of his birth. Jus sanguinis If both parents are US citizens, the child is a citizen if either of the parents has ever lived in the US prior to the child’s birth If one parent is a US citizen and the other parent is a US national, the child is a citizen if the US citizen parent… Reply Hostage situation Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 4:28 pm Reply Hostage situation Reply: February 12th, 2010 at 1:39 pm Here is the current law regarding biological children born to natural U.S.citizens. who me? Reply: February 12th, 2010 at 3:18 am Which is true today…but the law in Hawaii in 1961 when he was born says different Reply jerseygirl Reply: February 12th, 2010 at 12:44 pm You are correct. When Obama was born Hawaiian law stated that in order for a parent to confer US citizenship upon a child, the parent must have lived in the US for at least 5 years after the age of 14. Stanley Ann Dunham would have had to have been 19 years old at the time of Obama’s birth to confer US citizenship upon him. She was only 16 or 17 years old when she gave birth to him. Hostage situation Reply: February 12th, 2010 at 1:34 pm The law was changed that much is correct. However because of hawaii’s significant military populace the law was made retroactive. Look there are other ways to nail Obama with impeachable offences, when geithner finally goes down thats when to go after Obama. His ties to Goldman and the ford foundation are also fertile grounds. Don’t get me wrong here, I understand that something fishy is going on with his eligibility, what with his records being held and the whole swearing in ” mix up” etc… jerseygirl Reply: February 12th, 2010 at 12:27 pm Hostage situaation: IF the mother has lived in the US for five straight years AFTER the age of 14. She would have to have lived in Hawaii for 5 straight years after the age of 14, making her nineteen years old. She was 16 or 17 when she gave birth to Obama, not old enough to confer US citizenship upon him. His father was a Kenyan citizen, under British rule here on a student visa. Reply patti Reply: February 15th, 2010 at 6:31 pm She was 18 when she gave birth to him.. She met his father, while in college. neto Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 3:00 pm finally some reason to get rid of that a-hole Reply ThArkHasLeft Reply: February 13th, 2010 at 9:10 pm I cannot believe it has taken you idiots this long, to work out that the erect length of sh*t running the USA is a DUD. You truly deserve to be continually shafted, and fed to the sharks. The whole world was awake to this fraud, but you blindly accepted it: It is too late now. For as they say-you are well and truly F- ked Reply ThArkHasLeft Reply: February 13th, 2010 at 9:11 pm In fact more than F- ked, You are doomed. Reply NEPHILIM COMING!!!! Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 3:08 pm And nothing gets done about it,none of this stuff ever seams to gain any traction,its frustrating how these teflon pieces of crap always get an out of jail free pass Reply NEPHILIM COMING!!!! Reply: February 12th, 2010 at 11:07 am Ye shalt, choke thy chicken – Cometh thy seed upon thy evil ones face. Ye whom doubt thy wisdom, shalt be cast downwards into the gravin flames that art Nibirus ass crack. There thou shalt choke non but chilli willi for thou art gravin for doubting that I speak. REPENT REPENT – Ye evil bretheren of thy serpent. REPENT for thy shalt be doomed i tell ya – doomed,NIBIRUPEDIA.COM WE R ALL DOOMED DOOMED DOOMED DOOMED DOOMED DOOMED………… GORILLA 199 is wise Reply NEPHILIM COMING!!!! Reply: February 12th, 2010 at 11:09 am DOOM Reply NEPHILIM COMING!!!! Reply: February 12th, 2010 at 11:10 am WE R DOOMED ag Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 7:29 pm hell yea “he” the devil Reply ThArkHasLeft Reply: February 13th, 2010 at 9:13 pm Ahh Satan he be. Reply andrew kellie Says: February 11th, 2010 at 11:47 am hahahahahahaha the whole u.s. gverment is a joke. People,who under little scrutiny are shown to be incapable or illegible of upholding their offices. Who checks these people out BEFOR there elected or appointed? Reply MAD DOG Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 12:49 pm WE’RE AT THE END OF THE LINE, THE INMATES RUN THE ASYLUM. IT’S TIME TO CLEAN HOUSE AND START OVER. Reply dan Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 2:12 pm Totally agree.Time to burn down the house….government is an illusion…control is an illusion OBAMA is an illusion….. Reply who me? Reply: February 12th, 2010 at 3:19 am That is exactly their goal! Reply ThArkHasLeft Reply: February 13th, 2010 at 9:14 pm Go back to ball Mad-Dog Its the only thing you know how to clean. Reply OBAMAistheREALchimp Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 12:52 pm “Who checks these people out BEFOR there elected or appointed?” A bunch of people demonized as racists tea baggers and nazis for standing up for what’s right and being vigilant…such is the way in the new America Reply aca Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 2:40 pm HOW DO YOU MONKEYS LIKE YOUR CHAINGE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reply aca Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 2:43 pm all states need to put in to law that if anyone runs for pres that they have to prove all there papers! if not then they cant put there name on the box in that state! Reply NEPHILIM COMING!!!! Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 3:13 pm you got that right ,when we see the canidates they give us it is obvious the whole thing is fake,I mean all the gret minds in this country,the Mark Twain types ,Helen Keller,and what do we get Drug addicts ,Sodomites,ALCOHOLICS! Criminals murderers,SATANIST,These AKA,S dont represent what this country stands for , Reply NEPHILIM COMING!!!! Reply: February 12th, 2010 at 11:14 am SATAN WILL EAT YOUR FACE!!!!, SATAN WILL EAT YOUR DOGS!!!! Reply NEPHILIM COMING!!!! Reply: February 12th, 2010 at 11:15 am DOOM ZOOM DOOM ZOOM DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM Reply ThArkHasLeft Reply: February 13th, 2010 at 9:15 pm Times up Mad-Dog Satan is comming for ya. Reply dingleberry Says: February 11th, 2010 at 12:22 pm Throw Barry out, they’ll put a new puppet in…(OMG – BIDEN?!!!) Reply OBAMAistheREALchimp Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 12:38 pm Sorry, Biden’s white and he’s American,by default twice as worthy to be President – time to get back to basics and traditional values, even if Biden is a complete asshat, know-nothing moron Reply bilderbuster Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 2:50 pm Even worse. Biden would be guilty of fraud in all 50 states b/c he was on the ballot with obanga. Next in line would be a president pelosi. Reply intuition says Reply: February 12th, 2010 at 6:38 am Pelosi would step aside, Hilary will be your next president! Reply jerseygirl Reply: February 12th, 2010 at 12:33 pm Temporarily, until another election took place. Reply ThArkHasLeft Reply: February 13th, 2010 at 9:16 pm Or could that be an erection. bodingus Reply: February 12th, 2010 at 11:13 am say what? pellosi ? Reply Demolition Man Says: February 11th, 2010 at 12:49 pm You’ve been watching too many movies. There’s no way they can get another left-wing extremist into office after Obama. Reply OBAMAistheREALchimp Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 12:51 pm Since 1913, they’ve ALL been left wing extremists!! FDR especially with Alger Hiss and Whittaker Chambers Reply THE WATCHER Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 2:40 pm The birth record officials in Hawai’i are quitting because they are fearful of being indicted on misprision of a felony and some are being sued as individuals for not upholding Hawai’i’s open records law, which says ALL Obama’s official records MUST be made public. Reply Camels-Nose-Under-The-Tent-Flap Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 3:05 pm we’ve always known he was illegal to hold the office he is in….the question is what will”The People” do when it becomes LEGAL knowledge? Reply Gandhi Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 3:49 pm who is this barry soetoro guy? Reply JCIS Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 4:05 pm He said himself people say he’s “from Crypton”! Script on – S.R. crypton ???? – you know how they like to ‘tell the “truth’. Reply BigDaddyD Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 4:19 pm 33 degree Mason Reply Carter Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 5:29 pm That’s what they said after Carter. A generation from now, our people will be even dumber and more dependent on welfare – they will vote for whatever clown with a red nose that can slam dunk and possibly break dance, putting on a show for the stupid seals to clap their fins and bark like circus pets. It sucks that people suffer, but the people are getting what they DESERVE – THEY ARE STUPID. Know who is most despised amongst the stupid? Answer: Smart people. We’re stuck in this. Reply i stare at sheeple Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 8:27 pm 98.6 degree Human Reply JT Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 11:56 pm Obama is Haitian and the earthquake was caused by HAARP to pour money in there. Moreover only a small city in HAITI was affected, but the media portrays a huge disaster. Follow the money trail… Reply Marisa Reply: February 12th, 2010 at 9:06 am I’m sorry, but what happened in Haiti is a huge disaster. 170,000 people dead at least, and I think that is pretty horrible.. Reply pew Reply: February 13th, 2010 at 2:58 pm yes its horriable. but if you look at the realistic side of it. that hole island has a high risk of earthquakes. they should hold off producing life and move! then start a life else where. we all live on the same planet (earth) if you can reproduce weather your black, yellow, short, fat, ect…. makes us all human and the same regaurdless what you belive. if everyone stoped seperating every little thing people would be alot happyier. safe journeys lol Reply Ben Says: February 11th, 2010 at 1:16 pm If Obamarx was nerdy enough to attend Columbia, he wouldn’t need a teleprompter. Reply ZFloydT Says: February 11th, 2010 at 1:38 pm No money, no honey; no scums without a fake degree’s will ever be free. Obamies like to… Reply anti/PRO Says: February 11th, 2010 at 1:42 pm f---ing kill these pieces of filth. If we all take one shot each even with modern medicine they all die. They want to make us live in fear over 2012. lets make that our endgame to take all of them out. i can see it now 2013 the last evil elite is done breathing. and piece on earth. Reply lubbockboy Says: February 11th, 2010 at 1:44 pm The American people have become so passive that most likely nothing will come of this. Congress will just have some more hearings on steroids in baseball or some other nonsense. I hope that if Obama is removed from office Biden is tossed out with him, but that would make Nancy Pelosi President. We need an entirely new government. Reply jerseygirl Reply: February 12th, 2010 at 12:50 pm Nancy Pelosi is involved in this as well. The DNC “vetted” Obama. Two different letters were drawn up, both signed by Pelosi. One letter stated that the DNC found Obama eligible to run for President of the United States. The second letter stated that the DNC found Obama constitutionally eligible to run for President of the United States. The first letter stating that he was found to be “eligible” to run for POTUS was the letter that was sent out to the states. She is equally as guilty. Reply Gene k Reply: February 19th, 2010 at 12:12 am Just ONE (1) question: Why has “O” spent over a million dollars to keep from showing the necessary legal birth certificate? We all know what a lier Polosi is. Reply acl Says: February 11th, 2010 at 1:53 pm It’s true I just hear it on CNN, in the dream I had last night. Reply Weed Wacker Says: February 11th, 2010 at 2:09 pm Not only is Obama an illegal alien he is an illegal president without a US born birth certificate. However, because this story is too big to handle, it is politically incorrect to challenge the official story on this issue. Go along with the flow, go along with the Vatican and the earth is still flat until they allow you to be told otherwise. Besides, it’s classified and in your best interest. Now sit down, shut up an do as you are told!!! Reply KevNix Says: February 11th, 2010 at 2:09 pm this comment is to the clown calling him/herself ObamaistheRealChimp. Its because of clowns like your that the Tea Party movement is classified as racist. Ive been following Alex Jones since 1997. I’m a black man and don’t appreciate you saying that just because someone is white and American they are more qualified than any other red-blooded American to be President!!! Thats just BULLs---!!! Get your racist head out of your ass!!! Reply jimbob Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 3:04 pm I dont mind black people i just couldint eat a whole one Reply willie Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 4:15 pm Because your mouth is full of s---! Reply OBAMAistheREALchimp Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 6:06 pm You’re not black, pussy shill you’re a self hating left leaning white Marxist trying to use guilt to shut me up…who says I even go to Tea PartieS? You write your own fables, draw your own conclusions and forge your own associations based on your whiny victim mentality, collectivism, MLK worship, PC attitude, and images of KKK oppressors dancing in your head..leave you bitter malcontent sociopath. Reply OBAMAistheREALchimp Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 6:15 pm “don’t appreciate you saying that just because someone is white and American they are more qualified” It’s because of idiots like you the CHIMP daddy President got elected to begin with, politically correct, touchy-feely morons. If you were educated, you’d know ONLY Americans are qualified to be President (but you “feel” differently because you stand in solidarity with your comrades over the Constitution I know) and the country was founded by white men in white wigs get used to it Reply Weed Wacker Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 6:51 pm There is an easy way to settle this dispute, based upon one’s behavior, not skin color. If one is appointed and acts like a NWO puppet, they are perfoming for the NWO circus and organ grinder. It appears to me that Obama acts more like the little guy in the funny hat, that’s collecting all the nickles, dimes and quarters to the tunes of the NWO circus. On the other hand MLK was a real man, that refused to work for and to the tunes of the organ grinder and the NWO circus now in town. Reply Scott Says: February 11th, 2010 at 2:10 pm Racism in your comments and getting off exposing the frauds is not going to help. There are brilliant people among all of gods children. These people are frauds and we can expose them as such. Violence will just give them the excuse to use the levers in their sick plan. If they try and come into your house make a canoe. We have the right to protect ourselves. Expose the fraud and stand together peacefully do not play into their wicked hands. Reply greg Says: February 11th, 2010 at 2:11 pm What a waste of time. Just say the truth that you think a Black Man should not be President. Why be a covert racist? Reply Jim Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 3:03 pm It’s about a little known document called the Constitution. But you don’t know about that and probably don’t care. Reply Hobbit Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 3:23 pm One day America will have a black pres, we do now however have muliti racial president, Obama is White, Asian and Black decent. He’s not black. Reply FranCisco d Nostromo Reply: February 12th, 2010 at 8:27 am Hobbit Sam, One day America will not have a president. One day America will not be. Concerning “the mans” racial ingredients; your credentials please! I say this more in questioning anything “they” may tell us; it was “they” who gave “us” the color formula. white man, black man, yellow man, brown man, red man; which of these would be the best choice for The “KING” of Destruction? Can you tell me what color he that be The “Prince” of Darkness is? Nor can I. eveplebeodious.blogspot… Reply bodingus Reply: February 12th, 2010 at 12:05 pm of course he’s decent ,,i think the word you wanted was “descent” yes he is mullatto. so whats new? Reply chuck burnz Says: February 11th, 2010 at 2:13 pm Classmates remember him arriving to class early and wearing a red backpack. His senior seminar professor, Michael Barron, GSAS 80, said of Obama: He was a very bright student. Articulate, as many were in the class … Id say he was one of the best one or two students in the class. But everyone in the class was oriented to doing something more with their lives. Michael Ackerman, CC 84, took a political science course with Obama and recalls a similar persona. He was almost chameleon-like Reply jerseygirl Reply: February 12th, 2010 at 1:02 pm And yet the head of the graduating class of 1983 has no record of him. He was in charge of the 1983 class, student activities, yearbook, etc. No record of Obama and no picture in the yearbook. He supposedly lived in an apartment, yet NO ONE in the neighborhood remembers him. Someone in the neighborhood would have rememered him coming and going, frequenting a local store, etc. You have to go out sometime or other to purchase necessities. Reply ZFloydT Says: February 11th, 2010 at 2:15 pm Seriouly dogs, my love bird actually asked me if I wanted to get high!!!! Reply OBAMABIGFAN Says: February 11th, 2010 at 2:36 pm BOOT THE DUDE OUT OF OFFICE AMERICA…DEPORT HIS ASS TO KENYA-WHERE HIS GRANDMOTHER STATED SHE WATCHED HIM BEING BORN(APPROX 3 WKS AFTER THAT COMMENT SHE DIED…) F THIS GUY Reply Euro Beneficiary Says: February 11th, 2010 at 2:42 pm Just admit it America. Europe put Obama in Office. We tell him what to say, and if he ever steps out of line then zbigniew brzezinski (Polish European) is always on hand to slap him around into TOTAL submission. Come on now America, woop like monkeys for us, skipidy, skipidy, onderlay, We’re took over a long time ago. Reply jimbob Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 3:06 pm I agree us europeans are now americans master,so shut up america bend over and do as we say,its our turn now. Reply REB Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 10:42 pm Next time you idiots need your butts rescued….dont call us…save your own sorry backsides,hows all that marxism working out for you acrossed the pond? At least we have a chance to get back on track…you all done gone to hell a long time ago! Reply Jim Says: February 11th, 2010 at 3:01 pm Well at least they released his birth certificate. Reply Lil Bastard Reply: February 11th, 2010 at 3:14 pm Yeah, right Jim! Probably as close as we’ll get! Reply Cris Says: February 11th, 2010 at 3:04 pm Can someone please enlighten me. If there is so much evidence about his citizenship and eligibility for presidency, why hasn’t there been a lawsuit? If not an impeachment, then why not a civil suit of some kind? It surely cannot be money, with so many people annoyed with Obama, a cause like this could easily raise millions. So, what is it? Reply American Veteran Reply: February 12th, 2010 at 12:30 am there has been the courts kep throwing them out. Reply Lil Bastard Says: February 11th, 2010 at 3:13 pm This makes no sense. Michael Rivero: if there were anything to this, Hillary, John McCain (Panama-born), Ron Paul or SOMEBODY would have seized on it. Phil Berg: Obama has spent over $1.5-millioin fighting t his when he could get a certified photostat from the State of Hawaii for $25. 15 Years ago, police issued a media alert for a kidnapping suspect and showed his picture. I remembered him from high school. There MUST be a yearbook picture with Barry somewhere! I am certain he’s a… Reply Bill Swensen Says: February 11th, 2010 at 3:15 pm Who cares? He’s still ten times smarter than Bush… I don’t care if he’s a citizen or not or didn’t even go to college at all… We are still way better off getting Bush and Cheney out of the way… They’re the ones to get us into this mess don’t forget that… If ANY one should be held responsible for where their allegiance lies it should be the corporations sending our jobs over seas… Get a grip people… It’s the corporations who are running the show… And Bush/Cheney let them run… Reply Merrie Reply: February 12th, 2010 at 3:07 am Can I get an Amen! MCB Reply who me? Reply: February 12th, 2010 at 3:36 am Anyone who wishes to live by the Constitution SHOULD care! Bush served his max amount of terms anyways so your logic is faulty. what we should get is a President that can be vetted as a Natural born citizen as the Constitution requires. “It’s the corporations who are running the show… And Bush/Cheney let them run…” and Obama is carrying on the same agenda! Reply who me? Reply: February 12th, 2010 at 4:06 am Barack Obama is not legally a U.S. Natural-born citizen according to the law on the books at the time of his birth, which falls between “December 24, 1952 to November 13, 1986? . Presidential office requires a natural-born citizen if the child was not born to two U.S. Citizen parents, which of course is what exempts John McCain though he was born in the Panama Canal. US Law very clearly stipulates: “…If only one parent was a U.S. Citizen at the time of your birth, that parent must have… Reply hotrod Reply: February 12th, 2010 at 8:58 am if he was so friggen smart why did he need a teleprompter to talk to school children? Reply jerseygirl Reply: February 12th, 2010 at 1:12 pm Bill Swensen: You DON’T CARE if he’s a legal citizen or not??? Then OBVIOUSLY the Constitution means NOTHING to you. Your freedom of speech means nothing to you, the very thing that allows you to voice your opinion on this site. Ten times smarter than Bush? I’m DEFINITELY NOT A BUSH/CHENEY FAN and it’s no secret that Bush is no brainiac, but Cheyney, very devious and Obama is at least 10 TIMES AS DEVIOUS! He is just carrying on where Bush and Cheyney left off. He’s Bush on steroids! Reply jerseygirl Reply: February 15th, 2010 at 12:12 pm Bill Swensen: The corporations wouldn’t have sent so many jobs overseas without the signing of a “little’ document known as NAFTA, signed by ex-President Bill Clinton, a member of the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg Group. Notorius A-hole F__ked The Americans Reply Geraldo Says: February 11th, 2010 at 3:19 pm It’s time to Americans citizens to stand up for our country. Declare this the land of brave and home of the free. Go back to the morals and values of the founding father: ” In God We Trust”. Reclaim this country as a JUDEO-CHRISTIAN nation. Make Islam illegal( for they are against freedom of expression) Put those corrupts in jail. Close our borders, American couples to have more children, USA out of UN, stop hate crimes law, stop promoting Gay agenda, government must rule by the… Reply dan Says: February 11th, 2010 at 3:38 pm once a con man allways a con man.So my question is……….when all comes out that he is a Fraud all the EOS (Executive orders) Wars and the Money he Stole and gave to his Friends.Plus many others things what are his followers going to say? Racism? ah ah ah the Party he belongs will dissapear and all the senators will have to resign.Maybe there will be a cleansing of the senate,Congress and hopefully all the criminals will be prosecuted and jailed for life,with hard labour.Hopefully. Reply yeah.... Says: February 11th, 2010 at 3:41 pm NWO manchurian candidate…. Reply Johnny Canuck Reply: February 12th, 2010 at 12:49 pm Obama’s past is as murky as a Louisianna swamp on a moonless night. Everything he says is a lie. Here’s a site that exposes faked pictures of his “family”, released during his campaign: I would hazard a guess that he is a fabricated person, nothing around him seems real. People have been duped, wake up! For something real eerie, Google “Obama backward speech”. It even works in his campaign theme song “Yes We Can”… Reply smrstrauss Says: February 11th, 2010 at 4:05 pm Re Obama never attending Columbia University. Total baloney. Re The Democrat Convention never vetting. Turns out that this was exactly the same procedure used in previous years for all candidates, and the same procedure was used in the Republican party with regard to McCain, and the same for Bush and Bush1 and Reagan, Etc. Reply Me Says: February 11th, 2010 at 4:44 pm Obama statue in Jakarta will be removed after protests on internet: Reply acl Says: February 11th, 2010 at 5:05 pm Is common sense beginning to dawn on some yet ? Yes, No, Maybe ? If not, then stay tuned for the big one. Reply Uther of the Celts Says: February 11th, 2010 at 5:19 pm Obama openly stated that he visited Pakistan in 1981…. ….Pakistan would not let anyone with a USA passport into the country in ‘81. Obama had to be using a different passport….like from Indonesia maybe? Which means he (or his mother) had to renounce his US citizenship (which he probably never had anyway) …in order for him to have an Indonesian passport. That ALONE means he is constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of the Presidency. Reply jerseygirl Reply: February 15th, 2010 at 12:18 pm Absolutely correct. He became a legal Indonesian citizen at age 10 when he was legally adopted by his step father, Lolo Soetoro, as this was Indonesian law. When an Indonesian man legally adopted a child, that child automatically gave up any prior citizenship and became and Indonesian citizen. Indonesian passports had to be renewed every 10 years. At age 20, EXACTLY 10 years later Obama travels to Pakistan. Had to have had his passport renewed. Reply info Says: February 11th, 2010 at 5:51 pm this trial starts may 14th one word,.. treason Reply who me? Reply: February 12th, 2010 at 3:40 am except like all the other trials set to happen it will be thrown out for lack of PROOF and because all those records have been sealed no one can bring the proof needed to carry out a trial welcome to your government at work. Reply jerseygirl Reply: February 15th, 2010 at 12:23 pm And guess who signed the bill on Jan. 21, 2009 to have all of his personal records sealed? None other than Barry Soetoro/Barack Obama. However he had the SEALED divorce records of one of his opponents UNSEALED when he was running for the Illinois senate. The wife in that divorce just happened to be Jeri Thompson, the current wife of Fred Thompson. Reply ItsABigIdea Says: February 11th, 2010 at 6:00 pm great job exposing the long legged mac daddy Rev Manning!!!….keep up the fantastic work!! Reply ThArkHasLeft Reply: February 13th, 2010 at 9:24 pm Now there is a Man for president: Good old Rev Manning Reply Ned Flanders Says: February 11th, 2010 at 7:27 pm All of Obama’s documents proving he is an American have all been falsified for the reason to cover up who or what he really is. In fact, I believe he is a reptilian. Along with most of the supreme elites controlling the planet. Why else would they want to exterminate 90% of the population? Probably to make room for their species to inhabit the planet and to have all the resources for themselves. As for the rest of humanity? Well they need some one to do all the work. Reply Splinter Says: February 11th, 2010 at 7:58 pm illegal alien? How about ALIEN. Rev Manning- “That man just aint right!” Goddamithotdog! LOL Reply Splinter Says: February 11th, 2010 at 8:01 pm Rev manning. “People gonna rise up, I tell ya. They ain’t gonna take it no more.” Reply ThArkHasLeft Reply: February 13th, 2010 at 9:26 pm Yep it must be hell Bent over all the time holding your ankles. Reply Rhonda Says: February 11th, 2010 at 8:29 pm Obama? See what Rhonda has to say about “JOE THE PLUMBER” and how close he was treated like Obama at……….. Then write her and tell her you want to hear more. Tell her to run for the freedom goal and to not give up. She is out there, not just here in video and the system says she is bucking them. Let her know you are behind her so WRITE HER and tell her so. Obama knows of her. Rhonda Reply Whodat Says: February 11th, 2010 at 8:55 pm What? More internet misinformation and ranting? Thought he was a Harvard guy. Reply jerseygirl Reply: February 15th, 2010 at 12:36 pm Occidental to Columbia? to Harvard. This is not ranting. NO ONE at Columbia seems to remember Obama. Students who took the same classes that Obama would have been in don’t remember ever seeing him. The head of the 1983 graduating class has no records of him, no picture in the yearbook and also doesn’t ever remember seeing him at Columbia. If he did indeed attend Columbia University, when he was running for President, SOMEONE from Columbia would have said something like, Hey, I remember… Reply jerseygirl Reply: February 15th, 2010 at 12:40 pm to finish statement; Hey, I remember that guy from Columbia. Reply JaDE Says: February 11th, 2010 at 10:21 pm Obama is a clone of Ahkenaten lol Reply Dunagan Reply: February 12th, 2010 at 12:55 am There are all kinds of parallels better the two. Both are both wonderfully incredible. Who is your daddy stuff. And are you legit citizen. Both get their ass kicked Reply James Smith Says: February 11th, 2010 at 10:55 pm C.I.A. selected clown obama? The C.I.A. are in control of the unbelievable hoax obama and nobody can even prove he’s an American citizen much less his education but he’s President. Get a clue, obama is in fact C.I.A. duh! I possess information that proves obama is C.I.A. Stop being knuckleheads because these people got our number and we’ve been had. Dictator undetermined detention obama is bad news and isn’t through yet. We need to stay in this usurper business 24/7/365 or we’re going… Reply Last1onMars Says: February 12th, 2010 at 12:29 am I’ll be very surprised, if anything at all comes from this. As a country we’re so far down the road, that trying to get any real movement on this issue is almost mute. I beleive it to be true. He was the answer at the time, to keep the agenda going. If it takes lies to do acheive it, then so be it. Can this stall the agenda for the NWO? Maybe, but they seem to have a whole room full of these guys. They’ll pull up something from somewhere to keep this fire at a slow burn. Reply HillbillyJihad&TheBubbaLiberationFront Says: February 12th, 2010 at 1:41 am Wasn’t Church’s Chicken and Popeye’s involved in this??? Voting blocks are voting blocks!!! “All ‘HAIL’ Thermal Expansion!!!” Reply bodingus Reply: February 12th, 2010 at 11:45 am yasuh,,yasuh,,dats fo dogone sho ! dat fried chicken and wattamellon um um,,, Reply OklahomaKing Says: February 12th, 2010 at 4:17 am Kevnix, I want to apologize for that racist comment by the dimwit who’s name I won’t even mention. I bet he is a plant to act as a provacature to make this site look bad. I have a pretty strange feeling that it is. This country is getting better about racism. I look at it this way. Anyone who would say something as rude as he did cannot even be considered a healthy normal human being. As my grand pappy used to say, “It’s all in the individual, not the color.” I’ve found pappy to be… Reply ZFloydT Says: February 12th, 2010 at 5:06 am Hey! I never was able to go to a school of reality. Why? because my parents were Fuk-ed and educated me we wrong. Word!!!!!!!!! Reply bodingus Says: February 12th, 2010 at 11:52 am hey ,,all kidden aside,, if was proved he is not citizen or alien or whatever ,,whos gonna rule against him ? what judge? ,,or go in and arrest him? ,,nobody got the guts ,,nor would survive the attempt ,,so best let it lie . it could be somebody worse in there , and if somehow he was removed from office ,, theyd for sure only put someboody worse in. for now ,,love him and wish him no harm. Reply lightbeamer Says: February 12th, 2010 at 12:13 pm Ok, Lets get to the close of this. EITHER find if Obama has an actual, LEGAL, Birth Certificate. IF he’s found to actually have one, then lets drop it, IF NOT lets arrest him LIVE on TV and Convict him For HIGH TREASON. Then prosecute him to the Fullest! Then Have Biden move into taking his place and get this country moving again, if possible. I am not so sure how it would work if Biden would actually be considered the actual Vice president if the election was actually Legal? Reply bodingus Reply: February 12th, 2010 at 2:39 pm agree,,,IF it could be done , unfortunetly it cant ,,there is no judge in the country that will adjudge him and no one with any sort of authority and standing that will attempt to arrest him,,an attempt would be instant death. tv or not one must realize the power of the new world order who is over this country,and obama plus,,the constitution and all our laws dont mean shatsum. they will, and have ,,over ridden all, and will continue . its a bummer. Reply jerseygirl Reply: February 15th, 2010 at 12:46 pm You are a SAD EXCUSE for an American, if you are indeed an American. Reply END THE FED Says: February 12th, 2010 at 12:29 pm Reply Joe Heathen Says: February 12th, 2010 at 12:37 pm Quick! Get Orly Taitz on this PDQ. Oh, wait. Has she paid the $20,000 fine levied against her by a Federal District judge for filing of excessive fraudulent lawsuits? - Well s---, there went that option. Who else that has a few shreds of intelligence and integrity left can proceed with this information? Anyone? Didn’t think so. Oh well. - Must be interesting to spend your lives on a perpetual snipe hunt. Sarah Palin wants your money and Tom Tancredo wants your hearts and minds. Reply john Says: February 12th, 2010 at 1:24 pm Hey loser WAKEUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reply jerseygirl Reply: February 15th, 2010 at 12:48 pm He’s not asleep, he’s COMATOSE! Reply Obama Says: February 12th, 2010 at 1:30 pm hey hey hey, I am a “natural born”.what a joke. the american people are beyond stupid to know the u.s constitution is. Reply Gringo Says: February 12th, 2010 at 1:38 pm he is as much US sitizen as f---ing putin is Reply ThArkHasLeft Reply: February 13th, 2010 at 9:30 pm Now that is not fair: Comparing, that Cretin to a wonderfully intelligent intellectual Leader, like Putin. Reply what a joke Says: February 13th, 2010 at 7:18 am hahahahaha now any clown can be presidente in great country like USA hahahahaha like third world country…. Reply Kt Says: February 13th, 2010 at 3:19 pm I thought the problem was there is no record of him being born in US – A birth announcement was made after the fact in the newspaper 7 to 10 days later more than enough to have brought him into the country. There is no US birth certificate. The argument about natural is mote He was not born in the states and has never applied for citizenship. HE IS NOT YOUR PRESIDENT. “A little revolution now and then is a good thing” – Sean Connery – The Hunt for Red October Reply jerseygirl Reply: February 15th, 2010 at 12:51 pm As for the “birth announcement” in the paper, ANYONE can have a birth announcement placed in the paper, an aunt, uncle, grandparent (remember grandma Madelyn lived in Hawaii). I’ve seen current birth announcements in local papers placed by grandparents, ie. Mr. and Mrs. John Doe are proud to announce the birth of their grandson Reply jerseygirl Reply: February 15th, 2010 at 12:55 pm To finish my reply: Mr. and Mrs. John Doe are proud to announce the birth of their grandson/granddaughter, John/Mary Doe on such and such a date. That is a moot point. So Chris, I get a tingle down my leg when I hear Obama speak, Matthews should just give that one up because it doesn’t wash. Reply Len Says: February 13th, 2010 at 11:49 pm He’s also a long legged mac daddy. Pastor Manning has dug up evidence of that as well. Reply bodingus Reply: February 14th, 2010 at 3:08 pm long legged mac daddy?,,thats what they call pimps in the big city. Reply Kalvin Says: February 14th, 2010 at 10:59 am Okay, he is not a citizen of this country. He has no rights to being president. What do we do next? Reply Ma Kingsize Goolies Reply: February 14th, 2010 at 11:23 am suck his dick… I would imagine… Reply Jay Says: February 14th, 2010 at 12:46 pm What is sad is that people have to PROVE he is not a citizen, rather than BHO has to PROVE he is. McCain HAD TO. His eligibility status was signed off by a Judiciary Committee hearing that included Michael Chertoff a former federal judge and Homeland security secretary, Patrick Leahy(D-VT) and Claire McCaskill(D-MO). Why not Obama? Reply bodingus Reply: February 14th, 2010 at 3:12 pm because he is the chosen one ,,the choice of the bildabergers. and they rule ,,now .new world order ,,one world govt ,,theyve announced it finally.will not change ,,only get worse ,,,unless???,,,,,,, Reply para Says: February 14th, 2010 at 4:24 pm America has NEVER ruled itself, it has ALWAYS been England ruling USA. England (europe) is actually the baddie who pushes others into the limelight, so they can operate in the dark. // Until we get rid of gods, kings, queens, presidents, premiers and what ever they are called, people will always be open to be oppressed. // Therefore my motto is now” I worship no god, no king, no queen, and definately no president”. Reply ace Says: February 14th, 2010 at 8:13 pm it’s not material if he attended the university or not, but did he pick up the mannerisms associated with the jet set at said university? that is the real question, because he needs better tony robins, better body language, and better acting skills. if he picked up them skills, he’s set for success in america. Reply Pete Bertorelli Says: February 19th, 2010 at 11:05 pm Crystal Harris is my sister and she is allowing my father and mother access to the children to sexually abuse them. My parents are Alex and Rita Harris 662-895-3421 of 9488 East Broadway Road Olive Branch, Ms 38654. Rita Harris works at the Sierra Club on Poplar Ave. My father, Alex owned the Park Ave Coin Op Laundry at 3004 Park Ave Memphis, Tn 38114 901-458-5554 March 1996 to April 2004. He is a Air Force Veteran and a retired postal worker from the Front St Post Office. DOB 4/17/1947 My Mother's date of birth is 7/17/1951 or 1952 and she worked at Bethel Labelle Community Center in the 70s. She was a Junior and Brownie scout leader from 1976 to 1982. In 1982 she started working at the Girl Scout Council. When she was a leader my father always accompanied the girls on camping trips. My daughters Tia Imani Harris of Chickasaw Middle School DOB 7/22/1996 and Heavenly Mary Harris of Ford Road Elementary DOB 12/10/2003 were raped in Mississippi on 3/22/2008 and taken to Baptist Desoto Hospital, the Memphis Sexual Assault Center, and Lebonheur. We have a CPS case too with the address of 1613 Lauderdale Memphis, Tn 38106 and 7830 Sandidge Road Apt 46 Olive Branch, Ms 38654. At present my father is still raping the twins with Crystal Harris's permission DOB 2/5/1976 SSN 587-55-0523 Alex Harris Jr. is a retired cancer patient addicted to pain medication. He is also a Air Force Veteran 1964-1968 and he knows P-Teleportation, Astral Travel, and Brainwashing Techniques. Christy Harris has had to get her rectum sewed up. March 16, 2008 They both were expelled from St Augustine School on Kerr because they couldn't hold their bowels. See Above. They are victim's of bizarre mental and physical abuse. Crystal is on drugs real bad and has actually gotten disability checks started for the children because of her and my father's abuse. What's strange is I don't think I am their child. I am requesting a DNA test with this case. Rita and Alex Harris may have abducted me as a child. Honestly. Please call me and my children at Home at 901.785.0750 or after January 4th at 901.363.3100 from 9 am to 1 pm. I have a voice mail at 901.848.6983. My email is or and I work at Dress for Success at 2730 Colony Park Memphis, Tn 38118 as a Volunteer GrantWriter.

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